National Home Energy Rater Training Provider Rater Professional Development Course Application

Part 1: General Application

Organization name and full address. This information will appear on the RESNET website when your class is approved.

Please complete the following online application. A complete application includes a $35.00 pre credit hour requested application fee. Your application will not be reviewed without this payment.

*Required Fields
Applicant Organization
Training Provider: *
Country: *
Address: *
City: *
State/Province: *
Zip/Postal Code: *
Program Contact
Name: *
Phone Number: *
Fax Number:
Email Address: *

Part 2: Training Application

This application is based upon requirements promulgated in the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) National Home Energy Rater Training and Certifying Standard (hereinafter: "Standard").

Please note that all submitted curricula, training materials, examination materials and other supporting documents will be held in strict confidence, as any proprietary materials. However, these materials cannot be returned to the applicant.

Training Course
Course Title: *

I. Rater Professional Development Subject Areas

A. Training Curriculum

The subject area for your training curriculum must be from any of the following approved subject areas. Please address how your professional development training will cover the items outlined under each topic area. Your course does not have to cover all of the topic areas.

  1. HVAC
    • ACCA Manual JDS
    • Advanced HVAC Diagnostics
    • NATE Certification
    • ACCA HVAC Quality Installation Standard
  2. Communication
  3. Advanced Building Diagnostics
    • static pressure tests
    • Thermography
    • Air Flow Measurement & Dynamics
  4. Ethics
  5. Insulation Grading
    • RESNET Standards
    • Cellulose (CIMA Standards)
    • Fiberglass (NAIMA Standards)
    • Spray-foam (SPFA Guidelines)
  6. RESNET Standard Updates
  7. HERS H2O
  8. ICC
    • Certification
    • Understanding Liability
    • Inspection & Best Practice
  9. Hi-rise and mid-rise Residential Buildings
  10. Alternative Building Enclosures
  11. Advanced rating software use
  12. Federal Residential Energy/Sustainability Programs
  13. Practical Applications of RESNET Sampling
  14. Lessons Learned from Field and File QA
    • Common HERS Software Modeling Errors
    • How (and when) to apply correction factors for field tests
Training Curriculum
Course Topic(s): *
Select all that apply

B. Training Materials and Manuals

Please include a copy of the training materials and manuals that you will provide to rater candidates as part of your rater professional development training.

Training Materials
Title: *
Upload File:

C. Examination Materials

The Standard requires that a rater trainee pass a written examination. Please include your examination and describe the system you will use to proctor the exams.

Examination Materials
Examination: *
Proctoring System: *

D. Instructors

Please include detailed resumes of principals and trainers who will be instructing this course.

Instructor Name: *

E. Logistics

Please provide the following logistics details:

Training Format: *
Training Length: (hours) *
Credits Requested: *


If you have questions, please email Scott at