Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards

Comment #1

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: Achieving Accreditation
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


It appears that the intent of the changes in this section is to remove the details of what is involved to achieve accreditation as a training provider because these details are now included as part of chapter 9 of the standards.  However, the proposed changes could have the impact of confusing readers and making it seem that the only thing anyone need do to become a training provider is to complete an application.  This section should simply refer the reader to the appropriate section in chapter 9 which includes the complete accreditation process.  The current wording, based on Addendum 1, for this section refers to the wrong chapter 9 section.  It refers to 910.2, however, Addendum 6 changed this to 911.2.  I propose that the correct chapter 9 section be used and the new wording not be inserted.

Proposed Change:

Achieving Accreditation

Training Providers are accredited in accordance with the Accreditation Process specified in Section 910.2 911.2 - Provider Accreditation Process. Training Providers shall demonstrate through completion ofcomplete the RESNET Rater Training Provider Accredition Application…


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #2

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: All
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section numbers used in the amendment do not agree with the latest version of the standards and addendums.  It is recommended that the committee review all numbering in chapter two to ensure it is consistent and that the accepted changes to the amendment are appropriately numbered to be in alignment with all accepted addendums to chapter 2.


Reason: No revision language was proposed.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #3

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: All
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The terms "Accredited Training Providers", "Training Providers", "Rater Instructors", and "Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers" have varying upper and lower case lettering selections throughout the document.  It is recommended that the committee determine if these terms should be capitalized or not and that they make this change consistent throughout the accepted amendment.


Reason:   No revision language was proposed.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #4

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 202.2.1, 202.2.2, 202.2.4, 202.2.8
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


There is currently no section 202.2.anything in the RESNET standards.  Section 202 refers the reader to Appendix B.  Addendum 8 added a couple 202.1 sections but no 202.2 sections.  

It appears that 202.2.1 is actually referring to 200.1.10 from Addendum 1.

It appears that 202.2.2  is actually referring to 200.1.11 from Addendum 1, or 202.1.7 or 202.1.15 from Addendum 8.

It appears that 202.2.4 is actually referring to 200.1.13 from Addendum 1.

It appears that 202.2.8 is actually referring to 202.1.15 or 203 from Addendum 8.

Also, the phrase, "Only RESNET accredited Training Providers can offer Rater Training using certified RESNET Rater Instructors" is added redundantly throughout the standard.  It is only needed in one location.  It does not make sense that it would be placed in the Maintaining Accreditation section.  I recommend placing it in the Achieving Accreditation section.


Proposed Change:

202.2.1 200.1.10 Renew their accreditation in accordance with the renewal process found in Section 911 0.3 - Accreditation Renewal Process.

202.2.2 200.1.11 Maintain certified Rater Instructors rater trainers. Only RESNET certified Rater Instructors Trainers can offer rater training through a RESNET accredited Rater Training Provider.

202.1.7 Maintain RESNET certified Rater Trainers.  Only RESNET certified Rater Trainers can offer rater training through a RESNET accredited Rater Training Provider.

202.1.15 200.1 Only RESNET accredited Training Providers can offer Rater Training using certified RESNET Rater Trainers Instructors.

202.2.4 200.1.13 Maintain records for three years of all training materials and trainee data, training schedules, curricula, attendance records, examinations and individual examination results. This information shall be made available to RESNET upon request by RESNET.

202.2.8 Only RESNET accredited Training Providers can offer Rater Training using
certified RESNET certified Rater InstructorsTrainers.


Reason:  Accept in principle only the comments to clarification to reference numbers. All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #5

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.1.2
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


My comments are made assuming numbering is following the unofficial Advisory version of the standards.

203.1.2 already states that the test must be passed.  All that is needed below is a list of the tests.  If the tests are named with the word "Instructor" (which should be spelled correctly) as has been inserted in the first test, then that differentiates the test from the Rater version of the test and the phrase, "with a minimum score determined by RESNET" can be removed from all of them.  Obviously if the test is passed, the candidate met the appropriate minimum score.

Proposed Change: National Rater Instructor Competency Test with a minimum score of 90% determined by RESNET. RESNET Combustion Appliance Instructor Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET. RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Instructor Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET.


Reason: RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #6

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.1.5 which is likely 203.1.6 of the Advisory Version
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


Since the rest of the paragraph is being stricken, the letters "eginning" should also be stricken.

Proposed Change:

203.1.5 203.1.6 Beginning on January 1, 2015, as a certified Home Energy Rater, complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) Home Energy Ratings. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4. Trainers who were certified prior to the adoption of this amendment will have until January 1, 2017 to complete the required number of certified ratings.


Reason: Editorial

Comment #7

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.2.3 which is likely actually 203.3.2 of the Advisory Version of the Standards
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


Training has to continually change and morph to keep up with changes to the standards, new requirements, etc.  Rather than "that submitted on the Provider's Training Provider application" something along the lines of, "that submitted to RESNET".  RESNET has required changes to training that are not included on all training provider's original applications.

Proposed Change:

203.2.3 203.3.2 Intentionally misrepresenting their training Training Providership provider by training to curricula that differ from that submitted on the Provider’s provider’s Training training Provider provider application. to RESNET.



Comment #8

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 204
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Technical


Do these sections replace the current Advisory version sections for 204.1 or are they expected to be added?  I assume they will be added since the current sections with the same numbering are not showing in strike-through font.  

Regarding becoming a candidate field assessor, can a Candidate Field Assessor self certify?  If they are a Rater with 25 approved ratings, do they need to apply or register or is certification automatic?  The way this section is written, there is no requirement for any application or review and no process to be approved or listed.  How will an RFI candidate know if their assessor meets these requirements?  

Is the requirement in terms of the 25 homes that 25 ratings must have been completed which have undergone a QA review or if a rater has completed 25 ratings and had at least 3 file reviews and one field review does she qualify?  If a rater has completed 25 ratings and the QA has not yet been performed on these ratings does that rater qualify as a candidate field assessor?

Proposed Change:

Clarify the requirement listed under 203.1.2 and also clarify how the RFI candidate knows that the rater chosen is a qualified candidate field assessor.


Reason: No proposed language.

Comment #9

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205.2 which is likely 204.2 of the Advisory Version of the Standards
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


Editorial changes are needed for clarity.

Proposed Change:

205.2 Certification

Prior to issuing a candidate's certification, a RESNET a Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Provider shall confirm that the candidate has completed at a minimum, all of the following tasks appropriate to their desired certification within a 12-month period. Only RESNET aAccredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers may certify candidates for the certifications . Rating Providers may require candidates have successfully completed additional training instruction beyond these requirements as needed to address their specific program, climate, software, or administrative requirements.



Comment #10

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: (in the amendment)
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


If the exam is passed, the minimum score has obviously been met.

Proposed Change: Pass the national HESP Exam with a minimum score as determined by RESNETof at least 75%.


Reason: RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #11

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205.2.2 on amendment, 204.1.5 per Addendum 14, 204.2.2 per Advisory Version of Standards
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The suggestion is to word the requirements as "tests" but that is confusing as there is only one test and then field assessments.  

Also, the new conflicts with and other sections of this amendment.  The mention of "certified HERS Rater" is not completely accurate and causes confusion.  The mention of the person observing does not need to be in both clauses.  

Capitalization choices are inconsistent and the quote mark is in the wrong place.

For clarity, I used the numbering below from the latest addendum, Addendum 14.  The ones used in the addendum are not cohesive.

Proposed Change:

204.1.5 Rating Field Inspector (RFI) Pass the RESNET graded field evaluation using Successfully complete the following RESNET JobWerks RFI Tool Tests tasks: ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? The RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation exam. RFI
candidates will not be required to complete the multiple choice portion of the Combustion Appliance Test  Perform at At least three mentored rating field inspections observed by a certified HERS Rater or a RESNET Candidate Field Assessor using the RESNET JobWerks RFI Mentoring Tool to document results. The RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded field evaluation shall be performed under the observation of a certified trainer, Quality Assurance Designee RESNET Candidate Field Assessor, or QAD Delegate. Complete at least five probationary Rating Field Inspections observed by a certified HERS rater or a quality assurance designee. The certified HERS Rater or QAD shall use the RESNET JobWerks RFI Tool to document the results of probationary inspections.. The mentored and assessed probationary rRating fField iInspections shall comprise at a minimum the following tasks.: The effective date for item is Jan 1, 2014. Rating Field Inspectors who were certified prior to Jan 1, 2014 shall pass the RESNET Combustion Appliance Test, and The Work Scope Development Tests before January 1, 2015. RFIs shall not complete independent field testing and inspections until they have satisfactorily performed completed the requisite three five mentored probationary R rating Ffield Inspections per and pass successfully complete the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded field evaluation. After successfully completing the probationary mentored rRating fField iInspections and passing the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment Graded Field Evaluation, RFI’ s may be permitted to conduct all rating tasks contained under Appendix A: “On-Site Inspections Procedures for Minimum Rated Features" without having a certified Rater on site.


Accept___x_Editorial comment only in
Reject____x_Removal of “observed by a certified HERS Rater or a RESNET Candidate Field Assessor”in
Reason:  Need to identify who will oversee the mentored field inspections.

Comment #12

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: HERS Rater
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The proposed changes remove the hands-on aspects of training completely and move the two trainer-mentored ratings that were previously required to become one of now five probationary ratings.  The specifics of the competencies to be demonstrated have been completely removed.  This means that a candidate could potentially become a certified HERS Rater without ever performing a duct leakage test, combustible gas test, carbon monoxide testing, proving competency in pressure diagnostics, etc.  Also, three of the five probationary ratings must be confirmed ratings so we are back to requiring/allowing non-certified candidates to certify home ratings?  

These changes will NOT support the goal of increased consistency in ratings.  They will only serve to have more rater candidates with no field experience and no hands on practice in how to perform their tasks after successfully completing "training".

I also made editorial changes to remove redundancies in the list of required tests.

Proposed Change: Home Energy Rater (HERS Rater) Pass the national RESNET HERS Rater tests: National HERS Rater Test with a minimum score as determined by RESNET score as determined by RESNET National RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET the National RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score of at least 85 with a minimum score as determined by RESNET, the Work Scope Development Test with a score of at least 80 and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of
at least 80% on each exam with a minimum score as determined by RESNET Demonstrate competency at certain tasks mentored by a Certified Trainer by completing two training ratings. These ratings shall not contain any errors identified by RESNET approved rating software. Both ratings shall have a reasonably acceptable level of accuracy when compared to the trainer’s independent ratings of the same houses or building plans. The Trainer may choose these tasks to be performed in a hands-on environment, from house plans, or through RESNET approved computer simulations. However at least one of the two training ratings shall be a confirmed full hands-on rating conducted in-person with a certified trainer on a real house. The candidate shall demonstrate the ability to accurately measure all minimum rated features of the house and shall perform the following procedures during the confirmed training rating.
. Use pressure differential diagnostics to identify intermediate buffer zones including (but not limited to) attics, garages, or crawlspaces. Identify insulation defects and account for them in energy analysis tool inputs. Identify insulation types, thickness, and alignment with air barriers. Measure pressure differences across the building envelope imposed by the operation of the home's equipment. Perform building envelope leakage testing in accordance with the airtightness testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope. Perform duct leakage testing in accordance with the duct testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope and interpret results. Identify room and zone pressure imbalances caused by lack of ducted return air or pressure relief mechanisms such as transfer grilles or jumper ducts. Identify gas leaks using combustible gas sensing equipment. If a leak is found, recommend that a certified technician repair the leak. Perform CAZ, spillage, and CO testing in accordance with Carbon Monoxide (CO) Test and Depressurization Test for the Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) protocols contained in ANSI/ACCA 12 QH, Appendix A, Sections A4 and A5. After passing the all of the RESNET tests exam and completing the two training ratings, but prior to being certified, the candidate shall complete five three probationary ratings with a Rating Quality Assurance Provider overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor. At
least three wo of the five three probationary ratings shall be confirmedhands on ratings performed in the field on real houses .


Reason: Not listing the competencies does not mean that instructors are not allowed to cover these items or conduct application of classroom instruction. Passing all the required tests will determine the success of the instruction with less classroom managing by RESNET.  Three of the probationary ratings will be confirmed so they will fall under Quality Assurance requirements by the Provider and RESNET.

Comment #13

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205.1
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


My comment is part editorial and part an objection to removing the continuing education requirement from Certified HERS Raters.

Editorially, adding "once in a three year period" confuses the intent of this section.  If recertification is every three years and requires the HESP pass the test and the RFI and HERS Rater pass the assessment, that is clear.  With the additional language the requirement becomes confusing - can the HESP retake the test at any point during the second three year period?

Certified HERS Raters need to stay on top of new developments in building science, EEPs, etc and 18 hours within the three year certification period is not a lot to ask.  I can understand that RFIs and HESPs would not require this, but we are asking a lot from HERS Raters now (training and mentoring of others) and if we are looking for consistency, we should require professional development.

Proposed Change:


205.1 RESNET To renew certifiedcation Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Raters, shall renew their certification every three years. Renewal requires the following: at least one of the following requirements every three years:

205.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals.
Pass the national RESNET Home Energy Survey Test test appropriate to their certification once in a three year period.

205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors. Document 18 hours of attendance at RESNET conferences, or RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences, EEBA conferences, or other events and venues as approved by RESNET. PD completed by
RESNET certified individuals prior to achieving a higher certification will be applied toward the PD requirements of their new certification
Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period. Certified Home Energy Raters Pass the RESNET JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period Document 18 hours of attendance at RESNET conferences, or RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences, EEBA conferences, or other events and venues as approved by RESNET.


Reason: New language from Work Group:
205.1 RESNET certified Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Raters must renew their certification every three years.
        205.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals. Pass the national RESNET Home Energy Survey Test test        appropriate to their certification once in a three year period.
        205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors. Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.
       205.1.3 Certified Home Energy Raters RESNET certified Home Energy Raters:
• attend a RESNET Approved Conference once every 3 years; OR have 18 hours of RESNET approved professional development from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider
• successfully complete one JobWerks assessment every 3 years.

Comment #14

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 8
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: Glossary
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


Some of the changes to the Glossary conflict with the rest of the document.  This is my attempt at resolving those conflicts.

Proposed Change:

Approved Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Provider – Shall mean a RESNET-accredited RESNET Rating Quality Assurance Provider who is listed in good standing in the National RESNET Registry.

Examination - Test developed by RESNET and administered , set up by an accredited Rater Training Provider from questions developed by Training and Education Committee and overseen by a RESNET approved proctor.

Home Energy Rating Quality Assurance Provider, or HERS QA Provider, or Rating Provider - See Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Provider.


Accept:  First change
Reject:   Second and third
Reason:  “Administered by” covers all possibilities mentioned by commenter.  Keeping “Rating provider” because some in industry still refer to “Rating Providers” and this will give them a clear definition.

Comment #15

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 9
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: JobWerks Definitions
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The words "Tablet-based" and "residing in the cloud" should be removed.  They do not add to the definition and with the pace of technology an upgrade to a mobile based software or some new thing that has not yet hit the market should not cause us to have to change the definitions in the standard.

Proposed Change:

RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment - Tablet-based sSoftware adopted by RESNET, residing in the cloud, used for assessment of RESNET RFI candidates.

RESNET JobWerks RFI Mentoring Tool - Tablet-based sSoftware adopted by RESNET, residing in the cloud, used for coaching, tracking and assessmen tmentoring of RESNET RFI cCandidates. 

RESNET JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment Tablet-based sSoftware adopted by RESNET, residing in the cloud, used for assessment of RESNET HERS Raters.



Comment #16

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The following sections from Chapter 1 need to be moved to Chapter 2 so that all Standards related to Rater certification are together.

Proposed Change:

204.2.3 .5    A HERS Rater Candidate that does not complete, to the satisfaction of a Quality Assurance Provider, a minimum of three (3) of the five (5) required probationary ratings within twelve (12) months of passing the RESNET HERS Rater Tests, or otherwise does not achieve certification within the allowed twelve month timeframe, must at a minimum, do the following in order to maintain eligibility for certification:

204.2.3 .5.1   Pass the RESNET National Rater Test again; and

204.2.3 .5.2   Complete three (3) additional probationary ratings.  One of the three (3) additional probationary ratings shall be a Confirmed Rating and be completed in the presence of a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor.



Comment #17

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Technical


There is confusion about who's name and RTIN number to use for probationary ratings that are to be submitted to the National RESNET Registry, i.e. ratings for homes that are not just for educational purposes.  This proposed amendment will clarify that those ratings must be submitted under the name and RTIN of a certified Rater, most likely the Rater mentorig or overseeing the Rater Candidate's probationary ratings, and not the name and RTIN of the Rater Candidate.  The Rater Candidate is not yet certified as a Rater and, therefore, cannot have ratings submitted to the Registry under their name and RTIN until after they are certified.

Proposed Change:

204.2.3 .4   Probationary ratings shall not be submitted to the National RESNET Registry under the name and RTIN of the Rater Candidate.  Probationary ratings shall be submitted under the name and RTIN of a certified Rater.


Reason: All RTINs and RFIINs connected to a file should be recorded. Anyone gathering field data should be documented as well. The candidate’s RTIN or RFIIN should be documented.

204.2.3 .4   Probationary ratings shall be submitted to the National RESNET Registry under the name and RTIN of the Rater Candidate and the Certified Field Assessor.

Comment #18

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205 Recertification
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


Attending the RESNET Conference or any conferences co-sponsored by RESNET should be accepted for Rater and RFI re-certification.  

Proposed Change:

205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors Document 18 hours of attendance at RESNET conferences Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.

205.1.3 Certified Home Energy Raters Document 18 hours of attendance at RESNET conferences Pass the RESNET JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period


Reason: New language from Work Group:
205.1 RESNET certified Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Raters must renew their certification every three years.
        205.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals. Pass the national RESNET Home Energy Survey Test test        appropriate to their certification once in a three year period.
        205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors. Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.
       205.1.3 Certified Home Energy Raters RESNET certified Home Energy Raters:
• attend a RESNET Approved Conference once every 3 years; OR have 18 hours of RESNET approved professional development from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider
• successfully complete one JobWerks assessment every 3 years.

Comment #19

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 1
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


How does removing professional development requirements and permitting in-house certification of employees by rating companies meet the purpose and intent of this proposed amendment (ensuring consistency among ratings)?

It is irrational to think that removing ongoing professional development on at least an annual basis will improve the quality of ratings, let alone consistency (other than we will consistently see inconsistencies). 

It is also irrational to think that allowing a rating company to oversee the certification of their employees will improve consistency in ratings. All we will get will be dozens of companies doing things their own way (process), while JobWerks will only document part-tasks being completed- not the entire process, which should be logically overseen by independent QADs who are now acting as RESNET's agents.

Proposed Change:

Start over, beginning with the justification and build an amendment to Chapter 2 that actually delivers consistency and aligns with the Board's intent for 3rd party quality assurance oversight.


Reason: No proposed language.

Comment #20

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: The Entire Chapter
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


I think the entire chapter's structure needs to be fixed. In its current form it makes little sense and doesn't follow a logical path. This proposed amendment does nothing to fix this problem. Additionally, I believe that the QAD certification should also be included in this chapter, as it's an attainable certificate.

As such, the structure should follow this pattern:

1) Home Energy Survey Professional

2) Rater Field Inspector

3) HERS Rater

4) Field Assessor

5) Quality Assurance Designee

Proposed Change:

Chapter Two RESNET Standards
RESNET Standards
National Standard for Instruction, Assessment Training and Certification
These standards define the requirements of Accredited Training Providers, Certified Rater TrainersInstructors, and Certification Candidates. RESNET shall confirm that the requirements defined in this standard have been met when accrediting Ttraining Pproviders and certifying Rrater trainers Instructors. Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers ...
201.2Training and Education Committee
A member of the Board of Directors chairs the Training and Education Committee. RESNET Staff and the Board Chairperson nominate individuals to be the committee chair. Appointment of the committee chair requires majority approval of the Board.
201.2.3 Committee Members
The Committee Chair appoints individuals for committee membership. The RESNET Board of Directors retains the right to revoke individual committee membership.
201.2.4 Sub-Committees
Sub-committees may be formed to complete specific tasks. The chair of the Training and Education Committee appoints the sub-committee chairs. Sub-committee chairs
and members need not be members of the Committee.
Chapter Two RESNET Standards
RESNET Standards
National Standard for Instruction, Assessment Training and Certification
These standards define the requirements of Accredited Training Providers, Certified Rater TrainersInstructors, and Certification Candidates. RESNET shall confirm that the requirements defined in this standard have been met when accrediting Ttraining Pproviders and certifying Rrater trainers Instructors. Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers ...
201.2Training and Education Committee
A member of the Board of Directors chairs the Training and Education Committee. RESNET Staff and the Board Chairperson nominate individuals to be the committee chair. Appointment of the committee chair requires majority approval of the Board.
201.2.3 Committee Members
The Committee Chair appoints individuals for committee membership. The RESNET Board of Directors retains the right to revoke individual committee membership.
201.2.4 Sub-Committees
Sub-committees may be formed to complete specific tasks. The chair of the Training and Education Committee appoints the sub-committee chairs. Sub-committee chairs
and members need not be members of the Committee.
Achieving Accreditation
... Training Providers shall demonstrate through completion ofcomplete the RESNET RaterTrainingProviderAccreditionApplication...shall demonstratewhat?.thefollowing documentation that their training meets the criteria established through this Standard. Training curriculum, materials, and manuals:
202.1.1 Examination materials.
202.1.2 Facilities description.
202.1.3 Organization description.
Committee Responsibilities
The Training and Education Committee considers, reviews, and approves the items:
Core-competency examination questions, categories, time limits, and passing
Subject categories that may be approved for Professional Development (PD) requirements for RESNET certified individuals.
201.2.2 Committee Chair
??????????????????????????????3.1 3.2
202.1.4 Principals and staff qualifications (detailed resumes).
202.1.5 The names of certified Rater Trainers it intends to teach classes.
Maintaining Accreditation
... Failure to properly discharge any of these duties and responsibilities constitutes grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with Section 912 1 - Probation, Suspension, and Revocation of Accreditation.
202.2.1 Renew their accreditation in accordance with the renewal process found in Section 911 0.3 - Accreditation Renewal Process.
202.2.2 Maintain certified Rater Instructors rater trainers. Only RESNET certified Rater Instructors Trainers can offer rater training through a RESNET accredited Rater Training Provider.
202.2.4 This information shall be made available to RESNET upon request by RESNET. 202.2.8 Only RESNET accredited Training Providers can offer Rater Training using
certified RESNET certified Rater InstructorsTrainers.
Achieving Certification
Individuals shall meet the following requirements to be certified as RESNET Rater Instructor trainer.OnlyRESNETcertifiedRaterInstructorstrainerscanconductraterinstruction training under the auspices of a RESNET accredited Training Provider.
203.1.2 ... Mastery is demonstrated by passing the following RESNET Tests: National Rater Instuctor Competency Test with a minimum score of 90%
determined by RESNET. RESNET Combustion Appliance Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET
203.1.3 Have an understanding of the purposes and benefits of home energy surveys, home energy ratings, and the ability to communicate these benefits to students.
203.1.4 Have a basic understanding of energy efficient mortgages, energy
improvement mortgages and related products, and the ability to communicate these to students.
203.1.5 Beginning on January 1, 2015, as a certified Home Energy Rater, complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) Home Energy Ratings. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4. Trainers who were certified prior to the adoption of
????????????????????????????????????????????0 0
this amendment will have until January 1, 2017 to complete the required number of certified ratings.
203.2 Professional Development (PD)
Annually RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour annual RESNET roundtable on current information and also attend a RESNET conference once every two years. complete at least one of the following items:
Document twelve (12) hours per year of attendance at RESNET conferences, or RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences, EEBA conferences, or other events and venues as approved by RESNET.
Instruct a minimum of thirty-six (36) hours of RESNET Certification or Professional Development per year, documented by an Accredited Training Provider in accordance with section 202.2 – Maintaining Accreditation.
An individual that is both a Certified Rater Instructor Trainer and Quality Assurance Designee shall complete both the two-hour RESNET roundtable for Rater Instructors Trainers and the two- hour roundtable for Quality Assurance Designees. Individuals selecting the additional PD option need only comply with the requirement one time. i.e. 24 hours is not required.
203.2.1 Revocation
The following items are grounds for revocation of certified Rater Instructor trainer designation.
203.2.2 Compromising the security or integrity of any RESNET certification test exam.
203.2.3 Intentionally misrepresenting their training Training Providership provider by
training to curricula that differ from that submitted on the Provider’s provider’s Training training Provider provider application.
204.1 Achieving Certification
Individuals shall meet the following requirements to be certified as a RESNET Candidate Field Assessor.
204.1.1 Certified HERS Rater in good standing, and
203.1.2 As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum of twenty-five (25) homes. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4.
2045.1 Training Rater Instruction
All Rater Candidates are required to complete Rater instruction delivered by a RESNET Accredited Rater Training Provider. is not required. Rater candidates who did not attend HERS rater training shall pass all required exams and complete probationary ratings.
204 5.1.1 Examinations
... Rater Written examinations are administered by RESNET, and set up overseen by a RESNET accredited Rater Training Provider, certified trainer and overseen by a RESNET approved or their designated proctor.
205.2 Certification
Prior to issuing a candidate's certification, a RESNET a Accredited Rating Quality Assurance ... Only RESNET aAccredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers may certify candidates for the certifications . Rating Providers may require additional training instruction beyond these requirements ...
205.2.1 Home Energy Survey Professional (HESP) Pass the national HESP Exam with a minimum score as determined by RESNETof at
least 75%.
205.2.2 Rating Field Inspector (RFI) Pass the RESNET graded field evaluation using the following RESNET Tests:
The RESNET Combustion Applicance Simulation exam. At least three mentored rating field inspections observed by a certified HERS Rater or a RESNET Candidate Field Assessor using the RESNET JobWerks RFI Mentoring Tool to document results. The RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded field evaluation shall be performed under the observation of a certified trainer, Quality Assurance Designee Candidate Field Assessor, or QAD Delegate. Complete at least five probationary Rating Field Inspections observed by a certified HERS rater or a quality assurance designee. The certified HERS Rater or QAD shall use the RESNET JobWerks RFI Tool to document the results of probationary inspections.. The mentored and assessed probationary rRating fField iInspections shall comprise at a minimum the following tasks. The effective date for item is Jan 1, 2014. Rating Field Inspectors who were certified prior to Jan 1, 2014 shall pass the RESNET Combustion Appliance Test, and The Work Scope Development Tests before January 1, 2015. RFIs shall not complete independent field testing and inspections until they have satisfactorily completed the requisite three five mentored probationary R rating Ffield Inspections per and pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded field evaluation.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? After successfully completing the probationary mentored rRating fField iInspections and passing the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment Graded Field Evaluation,
204.3 Home Energy Rater (HERS Rater
204.3.1 Pass the national RESNET HERS Rater tests: Pass the national HERS Rater test 80%, the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score of at least 85%, the Work Scope Development Test with a score of at least 80% and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of at least 80% on each exam. National HERS Rater Test with a minimum score as determined by RESNET score as determined by RESNET RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score of at least 85 with a minimum score as determined by RESNET, the Work Scope Development Test with a score of at least 80 and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of at least 80% on each exam with a minimum score as determined by RESNET ? ? ? Demonstrate competency at certain tasks mentored by a Certified Trainer by completing two training ratings. These ratings shall not contain any errors identified by RESNET approved rating software. Both ratings shall have a reasonably acceptable level of accuracy when compared to the trainer’s independent ratings of the same houses or building plans. The Trainer may choose these tasks to be performed in a hands-on environment, from house plans, or through RESNET approved computer simulations. However at least one of the two training ratings shall be a confirmed rating conducted in-person with a certified trainer on a real house. The candidate shall perform the following procedures during the confirmed training rating.
????????????????????????????????????????????????? Use pressure differential diagnostics to identify intermediate buffer zones including (but not limited to) attics, garages, or crawlspaces.
tool inputs. Perform building envelope leakage testing in accordance with the airtightness testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope. Perform duct leakage testing in accordance with the duct testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope and interpret results.
Identify insulation defects and account for them in energy analysis
Identify insulation types, thickness, and alignment with air barriers.
Measure pressure differences across the building envelope imposed by the operation of the home's equipment.
??????????????????Identify room and zone pressure imbalances caused by lack of ducted return air or pressure relief mechanisms such as transfer grilles or jumper ducts.
??? Identify gas leaks using combustible gas sensing equipment. If a leak is found, recommend that a certified technician repair the leak. Perform CAZ, spillage, and CO testing in accordance with Carbon Monoxide (CO) Test and Depressurization Test for the Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) protocols contained in ANSI/ACCA 12 QH, Appendix A, Sections A4 and A5. After passing the all of the RESNET tests exam and completing the two training ratings, but prior to being certified, the candidate shall complete five three probationary ratings with a Rating Quality Assurance Provider overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor. At least three wo of the five three probationary ratings shall be confirmed ratings.
205.1 RESNET To renew certifiedcation Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Raters, shall renew their certification every three years. Renewal requires the following: at least one of the following requirements every three years:
205.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals.
Pass the national RESNET Home Energy Survey Test test appropriate to their certification once in a three year period.
205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors. Document 18 hours of attendance at RESNET conferences, or RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences, EEBA conferences, or other events and venues as approved by RESNET. PD completed by RESNET certified individuals prior to achieving a higher certification will be applied toward the PD requirements of their new certification Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period. Certified Home Energy Raters Pass the RESNET JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment overseen by a RESNET
certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period CAZ Testing Perform CAZ, spillage, and CO testing in accordance with Carbon Monoxide (CO) Test and Depressurization Test for the Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) protocols contained in ANSI/ACCA 12 QH, Appendix A, Sections A4 and A5. Perform CAZ depressurization, spillage, and CO testing. Identify room and zone pressure imbalances caused by lack of ducted return air or pressure relief mechanisms such as transfer grilles or jumper ducts. Identify CAZ depressurization issues caused by duct return leaks in the CAZ zone, supply leaks outside the house pressure boundary, zonal pressure imbalances, and/or exhaust appliances including other combustion equipment. Identify gas leaks using combustible gas sensing equipment. If a leak is found, recommend that a certified technician repair the leak.

Renumber Accordingly:??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Chapter Two RESNET Standards

RESNET Standards
National Standard for Instruction, Assessment Training and Certification
These standards define the requirements of Accredited Training Providers, Certified Rater TrainersInstructors, and Certification Candidates. RESNET shall confirm that the requirements defined in this standard have been met when accrediting Ttraining Pproviders and certifying Rrater trainers Instructors. Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers ...
201.2Training and Education Committee
A member of the Board of Directors chairs the Training and Education Committee. RESNET Staff and the Board Chairperson nominate individuals to be the committee chair. Appointment of the committee chair requires majority approval of the Board.
201.2.3 Committee Members
The Committee Chair appoints individuals for committee membership. The RESNET Board of Directors retains the right to revoke individual committee membership.
201.2.4 Sub-Committees
Sub-committees may be formed to complete specific tasks. The chair of the Training and Education Committee appoints the sub-committee chairs. Sub-committee chairs
and members need not be members of the Committee.

All Rater Candidates are required to complete Rater instruction delivered by a RESNET Accredited Rater Training Provider. is not required. Rater candidates who did not attend HERS rater training shall pass all required exams and complete probationary ratings.
204 5.1.1 Examinations
... Rater Written examinations are administered by RESNET, and set up overseen by a RESNET accredited Rater Training Provider, certified trainer and overseen by a RESNET approved or their designated proctor.
205.2 Certification
Prior to issuing a candidate's certification, a RESNET a Accredited Rating Quality Assurance ... Only RESNET aAccredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers may certify candidates for the certifications . Rating Providers may require additional training instruction beyond these requirements ...
205.2.1 Home Energy Survey Professional (HESP) Pass the national HESP Exam with a minimum score as determined by RESNETof at
least 75%.

205.1 RESNET To renew certifiedcation Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Raters, shall renew their certification every three years. Renewal requires the following: at least one of the following requirements every three years:
205.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals.
Pass the national RESNET Home Energy Survey Test test appropriate to their certification once in a three year period.

205.2.2 Rating Field Inspector (RFI) Pass the RESNET graded field evaluation using the following RESNET Tests:
The RESNET Combustion Applicance Simulation exam. At least three mentored rating field inspections observed by a certified HERS Rater or a RESNET Candidate Field Assessor using the RESNET JobWerks RFI Mentoring Tool to document results. The RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded field evaluation shall be performed under the observation of a certified trainer, Quality Assurance Designee Candidate Field Assessor, or QAD Delegate. Complete at least five probationary Rating Field Inspections observed by a certified HERS rater or a quality assurance designee. The certified HERS Rater or QAD shall use the RESNET JobWerks RFI Tool to document the results of probationary inspections.. The mentored and assessed probationary rRating fField iInspections shall comprise at a minimum the following tasks. The effective date for item is Jan 1, 2014. Rating Field Inspectors who were certified prior to Jan 1, 2014 shall pass the RESNET Combustion Appliance Test, and The Work Scope Development Tests before January 1, 2015. RFIs shall not complete independent field testing and inspections until they have satisfactorily completed the requisite three five mentored probationary R rating Ffield Inspections per and pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded field evaluation.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? After successfully completing the probationary mentored rRating fField iInspections and passing the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment Graded Field Evaluation,

205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors. Document 18 hours of attendance at RESNET conferences, or RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences, EEBA conferences, or other events and venues as approved by RESNET. PD completed by RESNET certified individuals prior to achieving a higher certification will be applied toward the PD requirements of their new certification Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.

204.3 Home Energy Rater (HERS Rater
204.3.1 Pass the national RESNET HERS Rater tests: Pass the national HERS Rater test 80%, the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score of at least 85%, the Work Scope Development Test with a score of at least 80% and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of at least 80% on each exam. National HERS Rater Test with a minimum score as determined by RESNET score as determined by RESNET RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score of at least 85 with a minimum score as determined by RESNET, the Work Scope Development Test with a score of at least 80 and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of at least 80% on each exam with a minimum score as determined by RESNET ? ? ? Demonstrate competency at certain tasks mentored by a Certified Trainer by completing two training ratings. These ratings shall not contain any errors identified by RESNET approved rating software. Both ratings shall have a reasonably acceptable level of accuracy when compared to the trainer’s independent ratings of the same houses or building plans. The Trainer may choose these tasks to be performed in a hands-on environment, from house plans, or through RESNET approved computer simulations. However at least one of the two training ratings shall be a confirmed rating conducted in-person with a certified trainer on a real house. The candidate shall perform the following procedures during the confirmed training rating.
????????????????????????????????????????????????? Use pressure differential diagnostics to identify intermediate buffer zones including (but not limited to) attics, garages, or crawlspaces.
tool inputs. Perform building envelope leakage testing in accordance with the airtightness testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope. Perform duct leakage testing in accordance with the duct testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope and interpret results.
Identify insulation defects and account for them in energy analysis
Identify insulation types, thickness, and alignment with air barriers.
Measure pressure differences across the building envelope imposed by the operation of the home's equipment.
??????????????????Identify room and zone pressure imbalances caused by lack of ducted return air or pressure relief mechanisms such as transfer grilles or jumper ducts.
??? Identify gas leaks using combustible gas sensing equipment. If a leak is found, recommend that a certified technician repair the leak. Perform CAZ, spillage, and CO testing in accordance with Carbon Monoxide (CO) Test and Depressurization Test for the Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) protocols contained in ANSI/ACCA 12 QH, Appendix A, Sections A4 and A5. After passing the all of the RESNET tests exam and completing the two training ratings, but prior to being certified, the candidate shall complete five three probationary ratings with a Rating Quality Assurance Provider overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor. At least three wo of the five three probationary ratings shall be confirmed ratings. RENEWAL Certified Home Energy Raters Pass the RESNET JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment overseen by a RESNET
certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period CAZ Testing Perform CAZ, spillage, and CO testing in accordance with Carbon Monoxide (CO) Test and Depressurization Test for the Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) protocols contained in ANSI/ACCA 12 QH, Appendix A, Sections A4 and A5. Perform CAZ depressurization, spillage, and CO testing. Identify room and zone pressure imbalances caused by lack of ducted return air or pressure relief mechanisms such as transfer grilles or jumper ducts. Identify CAZ depressurization issues caused by duct return leaks in the CAZ zone, supply leaks outside the house pressure boundary, zonal pressure imbalances, and/or exhaust appliances including other combustion equipment. Identify gas leaks using combustible gas sensing equipment. If a leak is found, recommend that a certified technician repair the leak.

204.1 Achieving Certification
Individuals shall meet the following requirements to be certified as a RESNET Candidate Field Assessor.
204.1.1 Certified HERS Rater in good standing, and
203.1.2 As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum of twenty-five (25) homes. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4.
2045.1 Training Rater Instruction

Achieving Accreditation
... Training Providers shall demonstrate through completion ofcomplete the RESNET RaterTrainingProviderAccreditionApplication...shall demonstratewhat?.thefollowing documentation that their training meets the criteria established through this Standard. Training curriculum, materials, and manuals:
202.1.1 Examination materials.
202.1.2 Facilities description.
202.1.3 Organization description.
Committee Responsibilities
The Training and Education Committee considers, reviews, and approves the items:
Core-competency examination questions, categories, time limits, and passing
Subject categories that may be approved for Professional Development (PD) requirements for RESNET certified individuals.
201.2.2 Committee Chair
??????????????????????????????3.1 3.2
202.1.4 Principals and staff qualifications (detailed resumes).
202.1.5 The names of certified Rater Trainers it intends to teach classes.
Maintaining Accreditation
... Failure to properly discharge any of these duties and responsibilities constitutes grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with Section 912 1 - Probation, Suspension, and Revocation of Accreditation.
202.2.1 Renew their accreditation in accordance with the renewal process found in Section 911 0.3 - Accreditation Renewal Process.
202.2.2 Maintain certified Rater Instructors rater trainers. Only RESNET certified Rater Instructors Trainers can offer rater training through a RESNET accredited Rater Training Provider.
202.2.4 This information shall be made available to RESNET upon request by RESNET. 202.2.8 Only RESNET accredited Training Providers can offer Rater Training using
certified RESNET certified Rater InstructorsTrainers.

Achieving Certification
Individuals shall meet the following requirements to be certified as RESNET Rater Instructor trainer.OnlyRESNETcertifiedRaterInstructorstrainerscanconductraterinstruction training under the auspices of a RESNET accredited Training Provider.
203.1.2 ... Mastery is demonstrated by passing the following RESNET Tests: National Rater Instuctor Competency Test with a minimum score of 90%
determined by RESNET. RESNET Combustion Appliance Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET
203.1.3 Have an understanding of the purposes and benefits of home energy surveys, home energy ratings, and the ability to communicate these benefits to students.
203.1.4 Have a basic understanding of energy efficient mortgages, energy
improvement mortgages and related products, and the ability to communicate these to students.
203.1.5 Beginning on January 1, 2015, as a certified Home Energy Rater, complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) Home Energy Ratings. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4. Trainers who were certified prior to the adoption of
????????????????????????????????????????????0 0
this amendment will have until January 1, 2017 to complete the required number of certified ratings.
203.2 Professional Development (PD)
Annually RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour annual RESNET roundtable on current information and also attend a RESNET conference once every two years. complete at least one of the following items:
Document twelve (12) hours per year of attendance at RESNET conferences, or RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences, EEBA conferences, or other events and venues as approved by RESNET.
Instruct a minimum of thirty-six (36) hours of RESNET Certification or Professional Development per year, documented by an Accredited Training Provider in accordance with section 202.2 – Maintaining Accreditation.
An individual that is both a Certified Rater Instructor Trainer and Quality Assurance Designee shall complete both the two-hour RESNET roundtable for Rater Instructors Trainers and the two- hour roundtable for Quality Assurance Designees. Individuals selecting the additional PD option need only comply with the requirement one time. i.e. 24 hours is not required.
203.2.1 Revocation
The following items are grounds for revocation of certified Rater Instructor trainer designation.
203.2.2 Compromising the security or integrity of any RESNET certification test exam.
203.2.3 Intentionally misrepresenting their training Training Providership provider by
training to curricula that differ from that submitted on the Provider’s provider’s Training training Provider provider application.

905.1 A Home Energy Rating Provider and BOP Provider shall designate one and only one officer, employee, or contractor to be the Primary Quality Assurance Designee for the organization, responsible for quality assurance within the organization. This does not preclude a Provider from having more than one QA Designee on staff or as a contractor, as may be necessary for business models where QA Designees do Ratings. The Primary QA Designee shall have ultimate responsibility, on behalf of the Provider, for fulfilling the requirements listed in Section 905.8 and who shall be the single point of contact to RESNET regarding all Quality Assurance matters. All QA Designees shall meet each of the minimum requirements to be a QA Designee as stipulated in this Section.
905.2 The designated officer, employee, or contractor responsible for quality assurance shall meet the following minimum requirements:
905.2.1 Previous certification as a Home Energy Rater;
905.2.2 As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum of
twenty-five (25) homes prior to becoming a QA Designee;
905.2.3 To be eligible to QA a particular rating type (e.g. sampled, BOP, survey/audit, EEP), a QA Designee must have completed a minimum of five (5) of that rating type;
905.2.4 Passing the RESNET Quality Assurance Designee Test. 905.3 Verification of QA Designee and Delegate Requirements
905.3.1 A QA Designee must confirm that the minimum requirements to be a QA Designee and Delegate, as set forth in this Section 905, have been met.
905.3.2 Five (5) of the twenty-five (25) required confirmed ratings for a QA Designee must be individually reviewed by a QA Designee in accordance with section 904.4.2, three (3) of which may have been included in the annual QA process for a Provider in the previous twenty-four (24) months.
Chapter Nine RESNET Standards 9-6
905.4 Professional Development for QA Designees
905.4.1 All QA Designees annually shall complete a two hour RESNET QA Roundtable on current information AND complete one (1) of the following activities:
905.4.1.1 905.4.1.2 905.4.1.3
Document 12 hours of attendance at the RESNET Conference; or Complete 12 hours of RESNET approved CEU’s; or Documented field QA reviews on a minimum of 25 homes.
905.4.2 A person that is both a Rater Trainer and Quality Assurance Designee shall have to complete both the two hour RESNET roundtable for a Rater Trainer (see Section 209) and the two hour roundtable for Quality Assurance Designees. Rater Trainers and QA Designees selecting the conference or CEU option need only comply with the 12 hour requirement one time, i.e. 12 hours is not required for each position.
905.5 Proof of QA Designee qualifications shall be submitted by Providers with an application for accreditation or with a notification to RESNET of a change to a Provider’s QA Designee(s).
905.6 All QA Designees shall have a signed agreement with the Provider to be the Provider’s QA Designee.



Reason: Commenter makes reference to Training and Education Committee which no longer exists and Quality Assurance designees that will be addressed in proposed Chapter 9 amendments.  New language has been proposed by the Work Group that will apply to some of what the commenter is addressing.  It will most likely be out for public comment again.

Comment #21

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 204
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The code for Section 204.1.2 needs to be changed from 203.1.2 to 204.1.2 because the numbers have  been typed in wrong and needs to be changed accordingly.

Proposed Change:

203.1.2   As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum of twenty-five (25) homes.  These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4.


204.1.2   As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum of twenty-five (25) homes.  These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4.


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #22

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 204
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The code for Section 204.1.2 needs to be changed from 203.1.2 to 204.1.2 because the numbers have  been typed in wrong and needs to be changed accordingly.

Proposed Change:

203.1.2   As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum of twenty-five (25) homes.  These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4.


204.1.2   As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum of twenty-five (25) homes.  These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4.


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #23

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


Under the Certification Candidates, Section 205:

The code for Section 204.5.1 "General Provisions" needs to show the proper code change:

From 204.5.1 to 205.1

Because it is under the 205 Certification Candidates


Proposed Change:

204.5.1 General Provisions


205.1 General Provisions



Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #24

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 2045.1
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


In the "Certification Candidates" Section 205: 

The code for Section 205.1.1 "Rater Instruction" needs to be changed to show the proper code change from 2045.1 to 205.1.1 It is currently wrong.

Proposed Change:

"Certification Candidates" Section 205: The code for Section 205.1.1 "Rater Instruction" needs to be amended to show the proper code change. From 2045.1 to 205.1.1


In the "Certification Candidates" Section 205:

The code for Section 205.1.1 "Rater Instruction" needs to be changed to show the proper code change from 2045.1 to 205.1.1


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #25

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


In the Certification Candidates Section 205: Under Section 205.1.2, What constitutes a RESNET approved proctor?

There is no clarification as to what or who the approved proctor would be- some people may say another company in the industry could actually be the proctor since they don't work for them. 


Proposed Change:

204 5.1.1  Examinations
examinations are administered by RESNET, set up by a RESNET
accredited Rater Training Provider, and overseen by a RESNET approved proctor.


204 5.1.1  Examinations
examinations are administered by RESNET, set up by a RESNET
accredited Rater Training Provider, and overseen by a RESNET approved proctor (library, testing center, school, etc).


Reason:  Approved proctors shall adhere to RESNET's defined test proctoring procedures.

Comment #26

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3&4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.1.5
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


Section 203.1.5: Removing the requirement for Certification of a Rater Instructor to "complete a minimum of 25 Home Energy Ratings" is crazy! This would open the door to new Rater Instructors who have never physically done work in the field, gone through the entire process of rating a home and they probably don't undertand HERS and even the building science industry. The experience that should not be missed out on to know what they are teaching.




Proposed Change:

203.1.5  Beginning on January 1, 2015, as a certified Home Energy Rater, complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) Home Energy Ratings. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4. Trainers who were certified prior to the adoption of this amendment will have until January 1, 2017 to complete the required number of certified ratings.

It should be included and NOT striked out.

203.1.5  Beginning on January 1, 2015, as a certified Home Energy Rater, complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) Home Energy Ratings. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4. Trainers who were certified prior to the adoption of this amendment will have until January 1, 2017 to complete the required number of certified ratings.


Reason:  There are two distinct areas of expertise required for raters: content knowledge and practical ability. According to the proposed standard, Instructors provide the content knowledge and Candidate Field Assessors provide mentorship on hands-on skills. CFAs are required to complete 25 confirmed ratings. The addition of the practical exam (which Instructors must pass) and the field assessment have met the need to confirm Instructor practical abilities.

Comment #27

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


Certification Candidates Section 205: Under Section (which should be, the removal of the QAD, QAD Delegate, and certified Rater Instructor in favor of the Candidate Field Assessor is redundant, there is NO REASON FOR THIS POSITION TO EXIST when we have a Certified Rater Instructor.



Proposed Change: The RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded field evaluation shall be performed under the observation of a certified trainer, Quality Assurance Designee Candidate Field Assessor, or QAD Delegate. The RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded field evaluation shall be performed under the observation of a certified trainer, Quality Assurance Designee or QAD Delegate.





Reason: There are two distinct areas of expertise required for raters: content knowledge and practical ability. According to the proposed standard, Instructors provide the content knowledge and Candidate Field Assessors provide mentorship on hands-on skills.

Comment #28

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


 I see great value in the Job Werks inititive, especially for New Raters and RFI's  . However I feel  Certified  Raters should have options in how CEU's are met. As The ERI (HERs score imore or less) is   being intergrated into the 2015 IECC being code certified should be an opption as should passing the RESNET NATE certification. Other residential  Green Building cerifications should be concidered CEU pathways also; such as LEED Green Rater, NGBS Verifier or aternativly attending RESNET conference, EEBA or GreenBuild, ACCA  or other established Industry conferences.

Proposed Change: Certified Home Energy Raters Pass the RESNET JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment overseen by a RESNET
certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period Certified Home Energy Raters

  • Pass the RESNET JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period or
  • Pass RESNET NATE certification or
  • IECC Residential, or
  • LEED Green Rater certification, or
  • NGBS Green Verifier certification. or
  • Attend approved industry conference ( documented hours) eg RESNET, EEBA, GreenBuild, ACCA) or
  • 36 hours of other approved residential Building science CEU's

New language from Work Group:
205.1 RESNET certified Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Raters must renew their certification every three years.
        205.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals. Pass the national RESNET Home Energy Survey Test test        appropriate to their certification once in a three year period.
        205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors. Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.
       205.1.3 Certified Home Energy Raters RESNET certified Home Energy Raters:
• attend a RESNET Approved Conference once every 3 years; OR have 18 hours of RESNET approved professional development from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider
• successfully complete one JobWerks assessment every 3 years.

Comment #29

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 202.2.4
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


If a trainer loses accreditation, all parties should be allowed to receive that information.  As written, it appears that only RESNET is allowed to ask for or obtain the information.


Also, I would like to know:

-When (date and time) will the committee be meeting to review my comment?


-Will I be allowed to attend the meeting or call in?

-Who is on the committee?  What is the balance of interested parties?

Proposed Change:

202.2.4 This information shall be made available to RESNET any party upon a request by to RESNET.


Reason: 202.2.4 is not about trainer accreditation.  The commenter seems to mis-interpret the language here, which is requiring accredited training providers to maintain records of their students and training materials.

Comment #30

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 1
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The title of the amendment has a misspelling. Please fix.

Proposed Change:






Comment #31

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The first sentence has a spelling error. Please fix, thank you.

Proposed Change:

... Training Providers shall demonstrate through completion ofcomplete the RESNET Rater Training Provider Accredition Application...


... Training Providers shall demonstrate through completion ofcomplete the RESNET Rater Training Provider Accreditation Application...


Reason: The spelling error is addressed in another comment.  The proposed change in this comment does not contain the correct strikethrough shown on the Amendment.

Comment #32

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The passing score of the National Rater Instructor Competency Test should be set prior to this amendment being passed, and not retroactively determined by RESNET. Without this clarity, there is the potential for people to take issue with their scores and press the issue prior to determination of the score.

Essentially the current wording means that RESNET could handle the passing score on a case-by-case determination until it is officially determined through psychrometric analysis by a professional. So keep the current passing score and put a note in there to update it once the psychrometric analysis comes in.

Proposed Change: National Rater Instuctor Competency Test with a minimum score of 90%
determined by RESNET. National Rater Instuctor Competency Test with a minimum score of 90%. The minimum passing score shall be updated once psychrometric analysis has been completed.


Reason: RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #33

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The passing score of the RESNET Combustion Appliance Test should be set prior to this amendment being passed, and not retroactively determined by RESNET. Without this clarity, there is the potential for people to take issue with their scores and press the issue prior to determination of the score.

Essentially the current wording means that RESNET could handle the passing score on a case-by-case determination until it is officially determined through psychrometric analysis by a professional. So keep the current passing score and put a note in there to update it once the psychrometric analysis comes in.

Proposed Change: RESNET Combustion Appliance Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET RESNET Combustion Appliance Test with a minimum score of 80%. The minimum passing score will be updated following psychrometric analyzation.


Reason: RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #34

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The passing score of the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test should be set prior to this amendment being passed, and not retroactively determined by RESNET. Without this clarity, there is the potential for people to take issue with their scores and press the issue prior to determination of the score.

Essentially the current wording means that RESNET could handle the passing score on a case-by-case determination until it is officially determined through psychrometric analysis by a professional. So keep the current passing score and put a note in there to update it once the psychrometric analysis comes in.

Proposed Change: RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score of 80%. The minimum passing score will be updated following psychrometric analyzation.


Reason: RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #35

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical

Comment:Proposed Change: Pass the national HESP Exam with a minimum score as determined by RESNET. Pass the national HESP Exam with a minimum score of 75%. The minimum passing score will be updated following psychrometric analyzation.


Reason: RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #36

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The passing score of the National HERS Rater Test should be set prior to this amendment being passed, and not retroactively determined by RESNET. Without this clarity, there is the potential for people to take issue with their scores and press the issue prior to determination of the score.

Essentially the current wording means that RESNET could handle the passing score on a case-by-case determination until it is officially determined through psychrometric analysis by a professional. So keep the current passing score and put a note in there to update it once the psychrometric analysis comes in.

Proposed Change: National HERS Rater Test with a minimum score as determined by RESNET score as determined by RESNET National HERS Rater Test with a minimum score of 80%. The minimum passing score will be updated following psychrometric analyzation.


Reason: RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #37

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The passing score of the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test should be set prior to this amendment being passed, and not retroactively determined by RESNET. Without this clarity, there is the potential for people to take issue with their scores and press the issue prior to determination of the score.

Essentially the current wording means that RESNET could handle the passing score on a case-by-case determination until it is officially determined through psychrometric analysis by a professional. So keep the current passing score and put a note in there to update it once the psychrometric analysis comes in.

Proposed Change: RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET. RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score of 80%. The minimum passing score will be updated following psychrometric analyzation.


Reason: RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #38

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The passing score of the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test should be set prior to this amendment being passed, and not retroactively determined by RESNET. Without this clarity, there is the potential for people to take issue with their scores and press the issue prior to determination of the score.

Essentially the current wording means that RESNET could handle the passing score on a case-by-case determination until it is officially determined through psychrometric analysis by a professional. So keep the current passing score and put a note in there to update it once the psychrometric analysis comes in.

Proposed Change: the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score of at least 85 with a minimum score as determined by RESNET, the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score of at least 85%. The minimum passing score will be updated following psychrometric analyzation.


Reason: RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #39

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The passing score of the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test should be set prior to this amendment being passed, and not retroactively determined by RESNET. Without this clarity, there is the potential for people to take issue with their scores and press the issue prior to determination of the score.

Essentially the current wording means that RESNET could handle the passing score on a case-by-case determination until it is officially determined through psychrometric analysis by a professional. So keep the current passing score and put a note in there to update it once the psychrometric analysis comes in.

Proposed Change: ...and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of at least 80% on each exam with a minimum score as determined by RESNET. ...and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of at least 80%. The minimum passing score will be updated following psychrometric analyzation.


Reason: RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #40

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.1.2
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor and where the section resides in.

Proposed Change:

203.1.2 As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum of twenty-five (25) homes. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4.

204.1.2 As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum of twenty-five (25) homes. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4.


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #41

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change:

204.5.1 General Provisions

205.1 General Provisions


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #42

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 2045.1
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change:

2045.1 Training Rater Instruction

205.1.1 Rater Instruction


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #43

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 204 5.1.1
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change:

204 5.1.1 Examinations

205.1.2 Examinations


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #44

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change: At least three mentored rating... At least three mentored rating...


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #45

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change: The RESNET JobWerks RFI... The RESNET JobWerks RFI...


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #46

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change: The mentored and assessed probationary Rating Field Inspections shall comprise at a minimum the following tasks. The mentored and assessed probationary Rating Field Inspections shall comprise at a minimum the following tasks.


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #47

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change: RFIs shall not complete independent field testing... RFIs shall not complete independent field testing...


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #48

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change: After successfully completing the... After successfully completing the...


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #49

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 204.3
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change:

204.3 Home Energy Rater (HERS Rater)

205.2.3 Home Energy Rater (HERS Rater)


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #50

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 204.3.1
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change:

204.3.1 Pass the national RESNET HERS Rater...

205.3.1 Pass the national RESNET HERS Rater...


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #51

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change: National HERS Rater Test with National HERS Rater Test with


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #52

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change: RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #53

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change: the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test... the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test...


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #54

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change: After passing the all of the RESNET tests

205.3.2 After passing the all of the RESNET tests


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #55

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


There is not a Section Number for "Recertification", and then the section code would need to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change:




Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #56

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205.1
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change:

205.1 RESNET certified Home Energy Survey Professionals...

206.1 RESNET certified Home Energy Survey Professionals...


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #57

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3, 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.1 & 7 & 204.3.1,
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The original language states that the establishment of passing scores resides solely with RESNET.  Here and in other locations in the proposed changes to Chapter Two, references to specific nuimerical scores are removed.  Passing scores for each form of an exam should be established by a rational process to be conducted by RESNET.  This is consistent with best practices in educational testing.

Some comments suggest that the passing score is already established and language giving that authority  to RESNET is superfluous.  Rewording suggested below may help to clarify this.

Proposed Change:

203.1.2 … Mastery is demonstrated by passing completing the following RESNET Tests with a minimum (passing) score to be determined by RESNET: National Rater Instuctor Competency Test. with a minimum score of 90%
determined by RESNET. RESNET Combustion Appliance Test with a minimum score determined by
RESNET RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score determined by
RESNET Pass Complete the national HESP Exam with a minimum (passing) score to be as determined by RESNET. of at least 75%.

204.3 Home Energy Rater (HERS Rater)

204.3.1 Pass Complete the following national RESNET HERS Rater series of tests with minimum (passing) scores to be as determined by RESNET.: Pass the national HERS Rater test 80%, the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score of at least 85%, the Work Scope Development Test with a score of at least 80% and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of at least 80% on each exam. National HERS Rater Test with a minimum score as determined by
RESNET score as determined by RESNET RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score
determined by RESNET the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score
of at least 85 with a minimum score as determined by RESNET, the Work Scope Development Test with a score of at least 80 and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of at least 80% on each exam with a minimum score as determined by RESNET




Comment #58

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205.1.1
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change:

205.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals.

206.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals.


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #59

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205.1.2
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change:

205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors. Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.

206.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors. Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #60

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 1
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: Throughout document
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


Throughout this entire document the use of the terms "Accredited Training Providers", "Certified Rater Instructors", "Training Providers", "Rater Instructors, "Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers", "Quality Assurance Designee", and their variants are inconsistently capitalized.

Proposed Change:

Decide whether these terms should be capitalized or not and then edit the document accordingly, but for heaven's sake be consistent!


Reason: No revision language was proposed.

Comment #61

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The section code needs to be amended to match the change in the standard, i.e. the additional certification of Candidate Field Assessor.

Proposed Change: Certified Home Energy Raters

206.1.3 Certified Home Energy Raters


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #62

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


Section should be removed and then placed under Section 206.1.3 to follow the previous two sections' structures. It looks really ignorant to have it in a different structure than the previous two recertification structures.

Proposed Change: Pass the RESNET JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment overseen by a RESNET
certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period. Certified Home Energy Raters. Pass the RESNET JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #63

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.1.3
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


I think that removing the requirement for a HERS Instructor to have completed a minimum of 25 Home Energy Ratings is a very bad idea. A HERS Instructor informs and passes on technical knowledge and skill, which, without knowing the practical application of said knowledge and skill, means new HERS Rater candidates may be taught by individuals that lack key information.

The dearth of practical knowledge would then be passed on to the HERS Raters, and would affect the consistency of the HERS Index Scores because that practical knowledge would be taught by the HERS Providers, and everyone has their own system.

Proposed Change:

203.1.5 Beginning on January 1, 2015, as a certified Home Energy Rater, complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) Home Energy Ratings. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4. Trainers who were certified prior to the adoption of ??????????????????????????????????????this amendment will have until January 1, 2017 to complete the required number of certified ratings.

203.1.5 Beginning on January 1, 2015, as a certified Home Energy Rater, complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) Home Energy Ratings. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4. Trainers who were certified prior to the adoption of this amendment will have until January 1, 2017 to complete the required number of certified ratings.


Reason: There are two distinct areas of expertise required for raters: content knowledge and practical ability. According to the proposed standard, Instructors provide the content knowledge and Candidate Field Assessors provide mentorship on hands-on skills. CFAs are required to complete 25 confirmed ratings. The addition of the practical exam (which Instructors must pass) and the field assessment have met the need to confirm Instructor practical abilities.

Comment #64

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.2
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


I believe that requiring attendance every two years to the RESNET National Conference as a part of the Recertification process for RESNET Certified Instructors puts an undue burden on the Certified Instructors. The reason is that smaller regional conferences could be substituted for the RESNET National Conference and it may be less expensive for these individuals. Additionally, the Certified Instructors could have a workshop or lecture at these smaller conferences, and that'd probably mean they get more out of it than just attending the National Conference.

Proposed Change:

203.2 Professional Development (PD)
Annually RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour annual RESNET roundtable on current information and also attend a RESNET conference once every two years.

203.2 Professional Development (PD)

Annually RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour annual RESNET roundtable on current information and also attend either a RESNET conference once every two years or Document twelve (12) hours per year of attendance at RESNET conferences, or RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences, EEBA conferences, or other events and venues as approved by RESNET.


New language from Work Group:
205.1 RESNET certified Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Raters must renew their certification every three years.
        205.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals. Pass the national RESNET Home Energy Survey Test test        appropriate to their certification once in a three year period.
        205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors. Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.
       205.1.3 Certified Home Energy Raters RESNET certified Home Energy Raters:
• attend a RESNET Approved Conference once every 3 years; OR have 18 hours of RESNET approved professional development from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider
• successfully complete one JobWerks assessment every 3 years.

Comment #65

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 1-6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 200, 202, 205
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


In many cases, this proposed amendment includes "..." at the end of a paragraph or sentence. Without including the text that was omitted in this proposed amendment, commenters have no clear understanding of the full context of the proposed change. 

Proposed Change:

Include the full text of the current Chapter Two (the advisory version which includes changes to Chapter Two found in Addenda 1, 8, 13, 14) with the proposed amendment language in strike-out and underline format so commenters and the industry as a whole can see the full context of the proposed changes.


Reason: No proposed language.

Comment #66

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 1-6
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


This proposed amendment does not include the entire text of Chapter Two with the proposed amended language in strike-out/underline format. This is extremely confusing and the proposed amended language may have conflicts with other sections of the current standard (which includes several addenda that contain elements of Chapter Two).

Not including the full text of the current Chapter Two makes this an opaque process.

Proposed Change:

Include the full text of the current Chapter Two (the advisory version which includes changes to Chapter Two found in Addenda 1, 8, 13, 14) with the proposed amendment language in strike-out and underline format so commenters and the industry as a whole can see the full context of the proposed changes.


Reason: No proposed language.

Comment #67

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 1
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: Who knows? The f***ing numbers are not included in the proposed amendment.
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


In the section under "Achieving Accreditation", the word "Accreditation" is misspelled.

"...Training Providers shall complete the RESNET Rater Training Provider Accredition Application...

Proposed Change:

"...Training Providers shall complete the RESNET Rater Training Provider Accredition Accreditation Application...



Comment #68

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 204
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The addition of this certification needs more detail. Basically any HERS Rater right now who has rated more than 25 homes and is in good standing could call themselves a Certified Candidate Field Assessor. That's it. No additional test, no metric to see if they're even capable of doing what they're supposed to do, there's literally nothing there. I think this opens up the field to a lot of people who may not actually know the reasons and processes behind the actions in the field.

I propose the requirement of passing additional tests to receive this certification, as it is important that we know these Candidate Field Assessors can actually do and understand what they're supposed to do.

Proposed Change:


204.1 Achieving Certification Individuals shall meet the following requirements to be certified as a RESNET Candidate Field Assessor.

204.1.1 Certified HERS Rater in good standing, and

203.1.2 As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum of twenty-five (25) homes. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4, and

204.1.3 Passing the following exams: The National HERS Rater Exam with a minimum passing score of 85%. The RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum passing score of 85%. The RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a minimum passing score of 85%.


Reason:  “Rater in good standing” means the Rater has passed the exams listed by the commenter.

Comment #69

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 1-6
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


This proposed amendment language conflicts with the current Chapter Two (which includes text from several addenda). The wrong language/sections have been amended throughout this entire proposed amendment. The Advisory version of the Standards is NOT the actual standard which is fragmented and very confusing because RESNET has NOT incorporated the approved amendments into the actual standard for the past 2 years.

Notice that the CURRENT standard has the required passing scores for the exams in section 200, not section 203 as found in the proposed amendment.

Also note that the CURRENT Professional Development requirements for all certifications are also found in Section 200, not section 203.2 as found in the proposed amendment.

I don't know what the hell was getting amended by this daft proposal, but it sure as heck ain't the current language of the approved and adopted standard.

For example, Section 200 of the current standard (adopted February 15, 2013) reads:
Purpose and Scope
These standards define the requirements of Accredited Training Providers, Certified Rater Trainers, and Certification Candidates. RESNET shall confirm that the requirements defined in this standard have been met when accrediting training providers and certifying rater trainers. Accredited Rating Providers shall confirm that the requirements defined in this standard have been met when certifying individuals. This enhances the goal of producing a nationally recognized and uniform program.
General Provisions
Definitions and Acronyms See Appendix B.
Training and Education Committee
200.1.1 Committee Responsibilities
The Training and Education Committee considers, reviews, and approves the following items. Core-competency examination questions, categories, time limits, and passing scores. Subject categories that may be approved for Professional Development (PD) requirements for RESNET certified individuals.
200.1.2 Committee Chair
A member of the Board of Directors chairs the Training and Education Committee. RESNET Staff and the Board Chairperson nominate individuals to be the committee chair. Appointment of the committee chair requires majority approval of the Board.
200.1.3 Committee Members
The Committee Chair appoints individuals for committee membership. The RESNET Board of Directors retains the right to revoke individual committee membership.
200.1.4 Sub-Committees
Sub-committees may be formed to complete specific tasks. The chair of the Training and Education Committee appoints the sub-committee chairs. Sub-committee chairs and members need not be members of the Committee.
Accredited Training Providers
Achieving Accreditation
Training Providers are accredited in accordance with the Accreditation Process specified in Section 910.2 - Provider Accreditation Process. Training Providers shall demonstrate through the following documentation that their training meets the criteria established through this Standard.
200.1.5 Training curriculum, materials, and manuals, and examination materials.
200.1.6 Facilities description.
200.1.7 Organization description.
200.1.8 Principals and staff qualifications (detailed resumes).
200.1.9 The names of certified Rater Trainers it intends to teach classes.
Maintaining Accreditation
In order to maintain their accreditation in good standing, all Training Providers shall fully discharge the following duties and responsibilities. Failure to properly discharge any of these duties and responsibilities constitutes grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with Section 911 - Probation, Suspension, and Revocation of Accreditation.
200.1.10 Renew their accreditation in accordance with the renewal process found in Section 910.3 - Accreditation Renewal Process.
200.1.11 Maintain certified rater trainers.
200.1.12 Hold the exam questions administered by RESNET in strictest confidence.
200.1.13 Maintain records for three years of all training materials and trainee data, training schedules, curricula, attendance records, examinations and individual examination results.
200.1.14 Provide candidates with a certificate or letter of completion, which accurately includes the candidate’s legal name and completion dates of any items required for the candidate’s certification.
200.1.15 Maintain curricula that align with the most up-to-date RESNET standards.
200.1.16 Provide for training facilities and equipment appropriate to the training being delivered.
Privileges and rights
Accredited Training Providers in good standing have the following privileges and rights.
200.1.17 The privilege to make and use any materials trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise restricted by RESNET (other than the tests developed by RESNET) for marketing Training Courses or Training Providers or for recruiting Rater trainees, instructors or trainers.
200.1.18 The right to present evidence, arguments and a vigorous defense in any action brought under these standards by any party against a Training Provider.
Revocation of Accreditation
See Chapter 9 – RESNET National Standard for Quality Assurance. Certified Trainers
Achieving Certification
Individuals shall meet the following requirements to be certified as trainer.
200.1.19 Demonstrate ability to effectively communicate with adults in a training environment. This ability is demonstrated through completion of a minimum sixteen (16) hour RESNET approved adult education program.
200.1.20 Demonstrate mastery of the Home Energy Rating System knowledge and ability sets provided in Section 207 - Knowledge and Abilities. Mastery is demonstrated by passing the RESNET National Rater Training Competency Test with a minimum score of 90%.
200.1.21 Demonstrate mastery of the Home Energy Rating System knowledge and ability sets provided in Section 207 - Knowledge and Abilities. Mastery is demonstrated by passing the following three exams with a minimum score of 90%: The RESNET National Rater Training Competency Test, the RESNET Combustion Appliance Test, and The Work Scope Development Tests including the simulation exam.
200.1.22  Have an understanding of the purposes and benefits of home energy surveys, home energy ratings, and the ability to communicate these benefits to students.
200.1.23 Have a basic understanding of energy efficient mortgages, energy improvement mortgages and related products, and the ability to communicate these to students.
200.1.24 As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) Home Energy Ratings. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4. Trainers who were certified prior to the adoption of this amendment will have until January 15, 2016 to complete the required number of certified ratings.
Professional Development (PD)
Certified Trainers shall complete a two-hour annual RESNET roundtable on current information and also complete at least one of the following items:
200.1.25 Document twelve (12) hours per year of attendance at RESNET conferences, or RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences, EEBA conferences, or other events and venues as approved by RESNET.
200.1.26 Instruct a minimum of thirty-six (36) hours of RESNET Certification or Professional Development per year, documented by an Accredited Training Provider in accordance with section 202.2 – Maintaining Accreditation.

An individual that is both a Certified Trainer and Quality Assurance Designee shall complete both the two-hour RESNET roundtable for Rater Trainers and the two-hour roundtable for Quality Assurance Designees. Individuals selecting the additional PD option need only comply with the requirement one time. i.e. 24 hours is not required.
The following items are ground for revocation of certified trainer designation.
200.1.27 Compromising the security or integrity of any RESNET certification exam.
200.1.28 Intentionally misrepresenting their training provider by training to curricula that differ from that submitted on the provider’s training provider application.
200.1.29 Violation of RESNET defined test-proctoring procedures.
200.1.30 Non-payment of RESNET provider accreditation fees.
Certification Candidates
General Provisions
200.1.31 Training
Though not required training is strongly encouraged. Training provides certification candidates with the knowledge and skill sets appropriate to their desired certification.
200.1.32 Examinations
Examinations allow a candidate to demonstrate the knowledge required appropriate to their desired certification. RESNET online examinations are time-limited and open-book allowing any reference materials but excluding any form of communication with other individuals during the examination session. Written examinations are administered by RESNET and overseen by a RESNET certified trainer or their designated proctor. Approved proctors include BPI exam proctors, faculty and staff of libraries, trade schools, colleges, independent testing institutions, or others as approved by RESNET. Approved proctors shall adhere to RESNET's defined test proctoring procedures.
200.1.33 Mentored Field Evaluations
Graded field evaluations allow a candidate to demonstrate their ability to perform certain tasks appropriate to their desired certification. Graded field evaluations are performed under the observation of a certified trainer, Quality Assurance Designee, or QAD Delegate who verifies the candidate’s competency at performing certain tasks as defined by RESNET.
Prior to issuing a candidate's certification, a RESNET Accredited Rating Provider shall confirm that the candidate has completed at a minimum, all of the following tasks appropriate to their desired certification within a 12-month period. Only RESNET Accredited Rating Providers may certify candidates. Rating Providers may require additional training beyond these requirements as needed to address their specific program, climate, software, or administrative requirements.
200.1.34 Home Energy Survey Professional (HESP) Pass the national HESP Exam with a score of at least 75%.
200.1.35 Rating Field Inspector (RFI) Pass the national Rating Field Inspector exam with a score of at least 80%. Complete at least five probationary Rating Field Inspections observed by a certified HERS rater or a quality assurance designee. The certified HERS Rater or QAD may choose these tasks to be performed in a hands-on environment, or through RESNET approved computer simulations. The probationary Rating Field Inspections shall comprise at a minimum the following tasks. Use pressure differential diagnostics to identify intermediate buffer zones including (but not limited to) attics, garages, or crawlspaces. Identify insulation defects and account for them in energy analysis tool inputs. Identify insulation types, thickness, and alignment with air barriers. Measure pressure differences across the building envelope imposed by the operation of the home 's equipment. Perform building envelope leakage testing in accordance with the airtightness testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope. Perform duct leakage testing in accordance with the duct testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope and interpret results. Identify room and zone pressure imbalances caused by lack of ducted return air or pressure relief mechanisms such as transfer grilles or jumper ducts. Use combustion gas sensing equipment and recommend methods of fixing leaks. Perform CAZ, spillage, and CO testing in accordance with Worst-Case Depressurization and Combustion Appliance Testing protocols contained in Chapter 8. The effective date for item is Jan 1, 2014. Rating Field Inspectors who were certified prior to Jan 1, 2014 shall pass the RESNET Combustion Appliance Test, and The Work Scope Development Tests before Jan 1, 2015.
200.1.36 Home Energy Rater (HERS Rater) Pass the national HERS Rater test with a score of at least 80%. Demonstrate competency at certain tasks mentored by a Certified Trainer by completing two training ratings. These ratings shall not contain any errors identified by RESNET approved rating software. Both ratings shall have a reasonably acceptable level of accuracy when compared to the trainer’s independent ratings of the same houses or building plans. The Trainer may choose these tasks to be performed in a hands-on environment, from house plans, or through RESNET approved computer simulations. However at least one of the two training ratings shall be a confirmed rating conducted in-person with a certified trainer on a real house, a RESNET approved training facility, or using RESNET approved computer simulations. The candidate shall perform the following procedures during the confirmed training rating. Use pressure differential diagnostics to identify intermediate buffer zones including (but not limited to) attics, garages, or crawlspaces. Identify insulation defects and account for them in energy analysis tool inputs. Identify insulation types, thickness, and alignment with air barriers. Measure pressure differences across the building envelope imposed by the operation of the home 's equipment. Perform building envelope leakage testing in accordance with the airtightness testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope. Perform duct leakage testing in accordance with the duct testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope and interpret results. Identify room and zone pressure imbalances caused by lack of ducted return air or pressure relief mechanisms such as transfer grilles or jumper ducts. Identify gas leaks using combustible gas sensing equipment. If a leak is found, recommend that a certified technician repair the leak. Perform CAZ, spillage, and CO testing in accordance with Worst-Case Depressurization and Combustion Appliance Testing protocols contained in Chapter 8. After passing the exam and completing the two training ratings, but prior to being certified, the candidate shall complete three probationary ratings with a Rating Provider. At least two of the three probationary ratings shall be confirmed ratings.
To renew certification Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Raters, shall complete at least one of the following requirements every three years.
200.1.37 Pass the national RESNET test appropriate to their certification.
200.1.38 Document 18 hours of attendance at RESNET conferences, or RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences, EEBA conferences, or other events and venues as approved by RESNET. PD completed by RESNET certified individuals prior to achieving a higher certification will be applied toward the PD requirements of their new certification.
Certified individuals shall have certain capabilities to perform the work required under their certification. The categories listed in this section are contained in Chapter 3 – National Energy Ratings Technical Standards, Chapter 8 -Performance Testing and Work Scope, and Appendix A On-Site Inspection Procedures. Certification candidates shall demonstrate proficiency at these capabilities through successful completion of certification requirements specified in Section 204 - Certification Candidates. Training providers should ensure that their curricula effectively cover these items.
Home Energy Survey Professional (HESP)
Home Energy Surveys are primarily conducted on existing homes. HESPs do not perform any performance, diagnostic, or destructive testing. All capabilities listed here are limited to visually accessible items in the home unless otherwise noted.
200.1.39 General Have a basic understanding of building performance evaluation. Complete a RESNET approved Home Energy Survey form. Demonstrate customer communication skills, ethics, and privacy.
200.1.40 Basics of specifications Have a basic understanding of energy improvement measure interactions, expected life, and bundling for optimal performance considering the house-as-a-system and the emerging need for deep energy savings.
200.1.41 Health and Safety Identify moisture issues such as condensation, leaks through building components, signs of mold or mildew, insect damage, efflorescence and stains. Identify potential combustion appliance safety hazards related to previous retrofit work. Identify evidence in combustion equipment of flame rollout, blocked chimneys, rust and corrosion, and missing or damaged vent connectors.
200.1.42 BuildingScienceConcepts Use appropriate energy terminology and definitions in home energy survey reports. Identify areas of potential envelope leakage, thermal bypasses, and thermal bridging.
200.1.43 Determining Conditioned Space Identify spaces as directly conditioned, indirectly conditioned, or unconditioned. Define the home’s thermal boundary and make appropriate recommendations for changing the thermal boundary.
200.1.44 BuildingComponents Identify exterior building components. Determine building orientation and shading characteristics. Measure building dimensions and use them to calculate gross and net areas. Estimate approximate age of building.
200.1.45 Insulation Identify the presence or absence of insulation and the quality of its installation when visually accessible. Determine thickness, R-value, and location of insulation. Recommend levels of insulation by climate zone.
200.1.46 Building Foundations Identify foundation type as crawl space, basement, or slab-on-grade. Identify foundation ventilation system types if present. Identify location, type, and approximate R-value of foundation insulation systems.
200.1.47 Framed Floors Identify location and type of floor system, its insulation type, thickness, and approximate R- value.
200.1.48 AboveGradeWalls Determine wall types, insulation thickness, and approximate R-value. Identify signs of building additions.
200.1.49 Windows, doors, and skylights Identify window and skylight types, frame materials, and permanently installed shading devices. Determine window, door, and skylight efficiencies and performance factors. 200.1.50 Rim or Band Joist Determine insulation type, thickness, and approximate R-value.
200.1.51 Ceilings Determine ceiling type, insulation thickness, and approximate R-value. 200.1.52 Attic Identify type of attic and location of attic venting.
200.1.53 Roof Identify approximate age, type, and color of roofing materials. Determine approximate R-value if insulated.
200.1.54 HVAC Systems Identify types, model numbers, and location of systems. Determine equipment efficiencies from equipment labels, model numbers or default tables. Identify HVAC pros/cons, drivers and sensitivities for major system types. Identify basic combustion appliance concerns.
200.1.55 Domestic Hot Water Systems Identify system types and efficiency factors from equipment labels, model numbers, or default tables.
200.1.56 Air Leakage Identify common air-leakage sites and indicate likely opportunities for leakage reduction. Identify mechanical systems likely to cause air-leakage or pressure imbalances.
200.1.57 Duct Leakage Determine duct type, location, and R-value. Identify obvious leakage locations and indications of previous sealing.
200.1.58 Ventilation Systems Identify presence and type of exhaust fans and determine whether they vent to outdoors.
200.1.59 Appliances and Lighting Estimate efficiency from model numbers or vintage. Identify potential lighting upgrades.
Rating Field Inspector (RFI)
A Rating Field Inspector is permitted to conduct all tasks contained within Appendix A. A Certified Rating Field Inspector shall have proficiency at the capabilities of a HESP in addition to the following items.
200.1.60 General Use field inspection forms to identify and document the minimum rated features of the Reference Home and Rated Home in accordance with the requirements of Section 303.4 – HERS Reference Home and Rated Home Configuration and Appendix A – On-Site Inspection Procedures. Identify potential problems with the building such as health and safety concerns, building durability issues, potential comfort problems, and possible elevated energy use. Identify basic home construction types and the ramifications of these for energy usage.
200.1.61 Determining Conditioned Space Use pressure differential diagnostics to identify intermediate buffer zones including (but not limited to) attics, garages, or crawlspaces. Determine conditioned space as defined in Appendix A.
200.1.62 Health and Safety Identify problems related to poor indoor air quality (IAQ), building durability, and human comfort. Identify potential presence of mold and potential causes.
200.1.63 Moisture Principles and Properties Identify potential or existing moisture issues (bulk water intrusion, capillary action, air transport, vapor diffusion).
200.1.64 MeasuringBuildingComponents Use construction documents such as building drawings and specification sheets, or actual measured building dimensions to produce a scaled and dimensioned sketch of a home.
200.1.65 Collecting Field Data (including photo documentation) Determine building orientation. Measure window overhang lengths, heights, and distances from top and bottom of windows. Determine roof slopes, gable heights, etc. Calculate gross and net areas and volumes.
200.1.66 Insulation Identify insulation types, thickness measurements, common usage locations, and alignment with air barriers. Identify insulation defects, and grading (I, II, III).
200.1.67 Building Foundations Identify type as crawl space, basement, or slab. Identify ventilation system types. Identify location, type, and R-value of insulation systems.
200.1.68 Framed Floors Determine if framed floors are exposed to unconditioned, interstitial, or the outdoors. Determine floor system type and frequency of framing members. Determine insulation thickness, type, and grade (I, II, or III).
200.1.69 Slab-on-Grade Identify slab as covered or exposed.
200.1.70 Above Grade Walls Determine if walls are exposed to interstitial, unconditioned, or the outdoors. Determine construction type, thickness, and exterior color.
200.1.71 Windows and Doors Identify window labels, framing types and materials, U-factors, reflective and low-e films and coatings, shading and overhangs, and orientation. Identify exterior door types, insulation, and orientation. Identify glass-area of exterior doors and windows.
200.1.72 Heating and Cooling Systems Determine equipment efficiencies using equipment data (make, model, nameplate data), AHRI or other current accepted guides, or age-based defaults. Identify space-conditioning systems as active or passive. Identify heating system properties: fuel type, burner type, venting type, distribution type, and efficiency. Ground-source heat pumps, air-source heat pumps, and air conditioning systems. Identify ductless systems (hydronic, steam, electric). Identify combo systems. Identify solar thermal systems. Identify control types (standard thermostats, programmable thermostats, multi-zone controls. Identify sizing and design issues, control types, and their impacts on energy use and humidity control. Identify summer and winter design temperatures. cooling and heating system design trade-offs.

200.1.73 Gas Leakage Testing Identify gas leaks using combustion gas sensing equipment. 200.1.74 CAZTesting Perform worst-case CAZ, spillage, and CO testing. Identify CAZ depressurization issues caused by duct return leaks in the CAZ zone, supply leaks outside the house pressure boundary, zonal pressure imbalances, and/or exhaust appliances including other combustion equipment.
200.1.75 Air Leakage Identify air leakage mechanisms and drivers, energy and comfort implications, and health and safety issues. Perform single-point and multi-point building envelope leakage testing in accordance with the airtightness testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope. Identify potential air sealing using zonal pressure differentials and measurement techniques Measure pressure differences across the building envelope imposed by the operation of the home 's equipment.
200.1.76 Conditioned Air Distribution Systems Identify impacts of designed and imposed flaws (closed interior doors, blocked registers and grilles, air handler filters). Identify duct supply and return types (flexible, rigid metal, building chase, insulated panels) and locations with respect to thermal and air barriers. Identify room and zone pressure imbalances caused by lack of ducted return air or pressure relief mechanisms such as transfer grilles or jumper ducts. Perform duct leakage testing in accordance with the duct testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope and recommend sealing as needed based on test results. Determine need for duct insulation in unconditioned spaces and specify thickness of retrofit insulation if needed.
200.1.77 Ventilation Identify fresh air ventilation from supply, exhaust and balanced flow systems. Identify heat-recovery ventilation (HRV) and energy-recovery ventilation (ERV) systems. Determine HRV or ERV efficiency, fan power and duty cycle characteristics.
Home Energy Rating System Rater (HERS Rater)
A Certified Home Energy Rater shall have proficiency at the knowledge and abilities of a HESP and a Rating Field Inspector in addition to the following.
200.1.78 General Understand and be familiar with local climate conditions, housing stock, and climate-specific practices. Understand local utility pricing structures (flat vs. tiered rates, net-metering regulations) and sources for reliable utility information. Prepare a detailed work scope. Develop field inspection forms. Identify major U.S. climate zones and energy consumption impacts of local climate zone.
200.1.79 RESNET Rating System Marketing of HERS Rated Homes. Qualifications for programs such as ENERGY STAR®. Conduct both projected and confirmed building simulation and performance analysis to provide HERS Ratings in accordance with the requirements in Chapter 3 – National Energy Rating Technical Standards and Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope. Use RESNET approved energy analysis software capable of producing a HERS Index, data entry procedures, reporting, and analysis of results. Calculate HERS Score computation using the Normalized Modified Loads Rating Method. Communicate the benefits of the Home Energy Rating System to homeowners, builders, finance and real estate agents and cultivate partnerships between those individuals. Assist and educate customers and builders with: Home Energy Surveys and Home Energy Ratings. Cost effectiveness of energy efficient building design. Quality assurance. Communicate the business aspects of being a RESNET HERS Rater. Maintain current knowledge of the HERS Rating method using the Reference Home as defined in 304.3 of the National Home Energy Rating Technical Guidelines. Real estate financing, economic terminology, and energy code compliance. Financing advantages of Energy Efficient Mortgages (EEM) and Energy Improvement Mortgages (EIM). Adding appraisal value through energy improvements Provide excellent customer service in an ethical and fully disclosed manner. Produce reports which meet minimum reporting requirements and improvement analysis. Maintain standard operating procedures and office administration. Maintain knowledge of current technical guidelines.

Adopted on July 30, 2014
202.1.7 Maintain RESNET certified Rater Trainers.  Only RESNET certified Rater Trainers can offer rater training through a RESNET accredited Rater Training Provider.
202.1.15 Only RESNET accredited Training Providers can offer Rater Training using certified RESNET Rater Trainers.
203 Certified Trainers 
Achieving Certification 
Individuals shall meet the following requirements to be certified as trainer.  Only RESNET certified trainers can conduct rater training under the auspices of a RESNET accredited Training Provider.
204.1.1 Training 
Training is not required. Rater candidates who do not attend HERS rater training still must pass all required exams and complete all required probationary ratings.
204.1.3 Simulated Practical Examinations
Simulated practical examinations allow a candidate to demonstrate their ability to perform certain tasks appropriate to their desired certification. Rater practical examinations will be administered through the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Examination. Raters who were certified prior to January 1, 2014 shall pass the RESNET
Combustion Appliance Test, and The Work Scope Development Tests before January 1, 2015. Pass the national HERS Rater test with a score of 80%, the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score of at least 85%, the the Work Scope Development Test with a score of at least 80% and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of at least 80%. The effective date for RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test is January 1, 2016.
Raters who were certified prior to January 1, 2016 shall pass the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test prior to January 1, 2017. Demonstrate competency at certain tasks mentored by a Certified Trainer by completing two training ratings. These ratings shall not contain any errors identified by RESNET approved rating software. Both ratings shall have a reasonably acceptable level of accuracy when compared to the trainer’s independent ratings of the same houses or building plans. The Trainer may choose these tasks to be performed in a hands-on environment, from house plans, or through RESNET approved computer simulations. However, at least one of the two training ratings shall be a confirmed rating conducted in-person with a certified trainer on a real house. The candidate shall perform the following procedures during the confirmed training rating.

adopted November 24, 2014 Perform CAZ, spillage, and CO testing in accordance with Carbon Monoxide (CO) Test and Worst-Case Depressurization and Combustion Appliance Testing Test for the Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) protocols contained in ANSI/ACCA 12 QH, Appendix A, Sections A4 and A5. Perform CAZ, spillage, and CO testing in accordance with Carbon Monoxide (CO) Test and Depressurization Test for the Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) protocols contained in ANSI/ACCA 12 QH, Appendix A, Sections A4 and A5. Perform CAZ depressurization, spillage, and CO testing.

adopted December 22, 2014
204.1.5 Rating Field Inspector (RFI) Pass the RESNET graded field evaluation using the RESNET JobWerks RFI Tool. The graded field evaluation shall performed under the observation of a certified trainer, Quality Assurance Designee, or QAD Delegate. Complete at least five probationary Rating Field Inspections observed by a certified HERS rater or a quality assurance designee. The certified HERS Rater or QAD  shall use the RESNET JobWerks RFI Tool to document the results of probationary inspections. The probationary Rating Field Inspections shall comprise at a minimum the following tasks. RFI’s shall not complete independent field testing and inspections until they have satisfactorily completed the requisite five probationary Rating Field Inspections per and pass the RESNET graded field evaluation. After successfully completing the probationary Rating Field Inspections and passing the RESNET Graded Field Evaluation, RFI’s may be permitted to conduct all rating tasks contained under Appendix A: On-Site Inspections Procedures for Minimum Rated Features without having a certified Rater on site.


Proposed Change:

Chapter Two RESNET Standards
RESNET Standards
National Standard for Instruction, Assessment Training and Certification
These standards define the requirements of Accredited Training Providers, Certified Rater 
TrainersInstructors, and Certification Candidates. RESNET shall confirm that the requirements
defined in this standard have been met when accrediting Ttraining Pproviders and certifying  Rrater
trainers Instructors. Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers … 
201.2Training and Education Committee

201.1.1 Committee Responsibilities
  The Training and Education Committee considers, reviews, and approves the
following  items:
Core-competency examination questions, categories, time limits, and passing
Subject categories that may be approved for Professional Development
  (PD) requirements for RESNET certified individuals.

  201.2.2   Committee Chair
  A member of the Board of Directors chairs the Training and Education
Committee.   RESNET Staff and the Board Chairperson nominate individuals to be the
committee chair. Appointment of the committee chair requires majority approval of the Board.

  201.2.3   Committee Members
  The Committee Chair appoints individuals for committee membership. The
RESNET Board of Directors retains the right to revoke individual committee membership.

  201.2.4   Sub-Committees
  Sub-committees may be formed to complete specific tasks. The chair of the
Training and Education Committee appoints the sub-committee chairs. Sub-committee chairs
  and members need not be members of the Committee.
Achieving Accreditation
… Training Providers shall demonstrate through completion ofcomplete the RESNET
Rater Training Provider Accredition Application…shall demonstrate what?. the following
documentation that their training meets the criteria established through this Standard.
Training curriculum, materials, and manuals:
Examination materials.
Facilities description.
Organization description.
  202.1.4  Principals and staff qualifications(detailed resumes).
  202.1.5  The names of certified Rater Trainersit intends to teach classes.
Maintaining Accreditation
… Failure to properly discharge any of these duties and responsibilities constitutes grounds
for disciplinary action in accordance with Section 912 1 - Probation, Suspension, and Revocation
of Accreditation.

202.2.1 Renew their accreditation in accordance with the renewal process found in
Section  911 0.3 - Accreditation Renewal Process.
202.2.2 Maintain certified Rater Instructors rater trainers. Only RESNET certified Rater
Instructors Trainers can offer rater training through a RESNET accredited Rater Training
202.2.4  This information shall be made available to RESNET upon request by RESNET.

202.2.8  Only RESNET accredited Training Providers can offer Rater Training using
certified RESNET certified Rater InstructorsTrainers.
Achieving Certification

Individuals shall meet the following requirements to be certified as RESNET Rater Instructor
trainer. Only RESNET certified Rater Instructors trainers can conduct rater instruction training
under the auspices of a RESNET accredited Training Provider.
203.1.2  … Mastery is demonstrated by passing the following RESNET Tests:  National Rater  Instuctor Competency Test with a minimum score of  90%
determined by RESNET.  RESNET Combustion Appliance Test with a minimum score determined by
RESNET  RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score determined by

203.1.3  Have an understanding of the purposes and benefits of home energy surveys, home
energy ratings, and the ability to communicate these benefits to students.

203.1.4  Have a basic understanding of energy efficient mortgages, energy
  improvement mortgages and related products, and the ability to communicate these to

203.1.5  Beginning on January 1, 2015, as a certified Home Energy Rater, complete a minimum of
twenty-five (25) Home Energy Ratings. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality
assurance processes defined in Section 904.4. Trainers who were certified prior to the adoption of
this amendment will have until January 1, 2017 to complete the required number of certified
203.2 Professional Development (PD)

Annually RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour annual RESNET
roundtable on current information and also attend a RESNET conference once every two years.
complete at least one of the following items:
  Document twelve (12) hours per year of attendance at RESNET conferences, or RESNET
approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training
Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences, EEBA conferences,
or other events and venues as approved by RESNET.
  Instruct a minimum of thirty-six (36) hours of RESNET Certification or Professional
Development per year, documented by an Accredited Training Provider in accordance with
section 202.2 – Maintaining Accreditation.

An individual that is both a Certified Rater Instructor Trainer and Quality Assurance Designee
shall complete both the two-hour RESNET roundtable for Rater Instructors Trainers and the two-
hour roundtable for Quality Assurance Designees. Individuals selecting the additional PD option
need only comply with the requirement one time. i.e. 24 hours is not required.

203.2.1 Revocation
The following items are grounds for revocation of certified Rater Instructor trainer
203.2.2 Compromising the security or integrity of any RESNET certification test exam.
203.2.3 Intentionally misrepresenting their training Training Providership provider by
training to curricula that differ from that submitted on the Provider’s provider’s Training training
Provider provider application.

   204.1  Achieving Certification
Individuals shall meet the following requirements to be certified as a RESNET Candidate
Field Assessor.
   204.1.1   Certified HERS Rater in good standing, and
  203.1.2   As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum
of twenty-five (25) homes.  These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality
assurance processes defined in Section 904.4.

204.5.1 General Provisions
2045.1  Training  Rater Instruction
All Rater Candidates are required to complete Rater instruction delivered by a RESNET
Accredited Rater Training Provider. is not required. Rater candidates who did not attend
HERS rater training shall pass all required exams and complete probationary ratings.
204 5.1.1  Examinations
… Rater Written examinations are administered by RESNET, and set up overseen by a RESNET
accredited Rater Training Provider,  certified trainer and overseen by a RESNET approved or their
designated proctor.

205.2  Certification
Prior to issuing a candidate's certification, a RESNET a Accredited Rating Quality Assurance …
Only RESNET aAccredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers may certify candidates  for the
certifications . Rating Providers may require additional training instruction beyond these
requirements … 

205.2.1  Home Energy Survey Professional (HESP)  Pass the national HESP Exam with a minimum score as determined by  RESNETof at
least 75%.
205.2.2  Rating Field Inspector (RFI)  Pass the RESNET graded field evaluation using the following RESNET Tests:
The RESNET Combustion Applicance Simulation exam.   At least three mentored rating field inspections observed by a certified HERS
Rater or a RESNET Candidate Field Assessor using the RESNET JobWerks RFI
Mentoring Tool to document results. The RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded field evaluation shall be
performed under the observation of a certified trainer, Quality Assurance Designee Candidate
Field Assessor, or QAD Delegate.   Complete at least five probationary Rating Field Inspections observed by a certified
HERS rater or a quality assurance designee. The certified HERS Rater or QAD shall use the
RESNET JobWerks RFI Tool to document the results of probationary inspections.. The mentored
and assessed probationary  rRating fField iInspections shall comprise at a minimum the following
tasks.   The effective date for item is Jan 1, 2014. Rating Field Inspectors who
were certified prior to Jan 1, 2014 shall pass the RESNET Combustion Appliance Test, and The
Work Scope Development Tests before January 1, 2015. RFIs shall not complete independent field testing and inspections until
they have satisfactorily completed the requisite three five mentored probationary R rating Ffield
Inspections per and pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded
field evaluation. After successfully completing the probationary mentored rRating fField 
iInspections and passing the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment   Graded Field Evaluation, 

204.3 Home Energy Rater (HERS Rater
204.3.1  Pass the national RESNET HERS Rater tests: Pass the national HERS Rater test 80%, the
RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score of at least 85%, the Work Scope
Development Test with a score of at least 80% and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test
with a score of at least 80% on each exam. National HERS Rater Test with a minimum score as determined by
RESNET score as determined by RESNET RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score
determined by RESNET  the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score
of at least 85 with a minimum score as determined by RESNET, the Work Scope Development
Test with a score of at least 80 and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of
at least 80% on each exam with a minimum score as determined by RESNET   Demonstrate competency at certain tasks mentored by a Certified Trainer by
completing two training ratings. These ratings shall not contain any errors identified by RESNET
approved rating software. Both ratings shall have a reasonably acceptable level of accuracy when
compared to the trainer’s independent ratings of the same houses or building plans. The Trainer
may choose these tasks to be performed in a hands-on environment, from house plans, or through
RESNET approved computer simulations. However at least one of the two training ratings shall be
a confirmed rating conducted in-person with a certified trainer on a real house. The candidate shall
perform the following procedures during the confirmed training rating.
  .   Use pressure differential diagnostics to identify intermediate buffer
  zones including (but not limited to) attics, garages, or crawlspaces.
  tool inputs. 
Identify insulation defects and account for them in energy analysis
Identify insulation types, thickness, and alignment with air barriers.
Measure pressure differences across the building envelope imposed
  by the operation of the home's equipment.   Perform building envelope leakage testing in accordance with the
  airtightness testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and
  Work Scope.   Perform duct leakage testing in accordance with the duct testing
  protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope and
  interpret results.   Identify room and zone pressure imbalances caused by lack of ducted return air or
pressure relief mechanisms such as transfer grilles or jumper ducts.   Identify gas leaks using combustible gas sensing equipment. If a
leak is found, recommend that a certified technician repair the leak.   Perform CAZ, spillage, and CO testing in accordance with Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Test and Depressurization Test for the Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) protocols contained in
ANSI/ACCA 12 QH, Appendix A, Sections A4 and A5.   After passing the all of the RESNET tests exam and completing the two training
ratings, but prior to being certified, the candidate shall complete five three probationary ratings with
a Rating Quality Assurance Provider overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor. At
least three wo of the five three probationary ratings shall be confirmed ratings.
205.1 RESNET To renew certifiedcation Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field
Inspectors, and HERS Raters, shall renew their certification every three years. Renewal requires
the following: at least one of the following requirements every three years:
205.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals.
Pass the national RESNET Home Energy Survey Test test appropriate to their certification once in
a three year period.
205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors.  Document 18 hours of attendance at RESNET
conferences, or RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited
RESNET Training Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences,
EEBA conferences, or other events and venues as approved by RESNET. PD completed by
RESNET certified individuals prior to achieving a higher certification will be applied toward the
PD requirements of their new certification Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen
by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.   Certified Home Energy Raters Pass the RESNET JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment overseen by a RESNET
certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period

CAZ Testing Perform CAZ, spillage, and CO testing in accordance with Carbon
Monoxide (CO) Test and Depressurization Test for the Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ)
protocols contained in ANSI/ACCA 12 QH, Appendix A, Sections A4 and A5.  Perform CAZ
depressurization, spillage, and CO testing. Identify room and zone pressure imbalances caused by lack of ducted
return air or pressure relief mechanisms such as transfer grilles or jumper ducts. Identify CAZ
depressurization issues caused by duct return leaks in the CAZ zone, supply leaks outside the house
pressure boundary, zonal pressure imbalances, and/or exhaust appliances including other
combustion equipment. Identify gas leaks using combustible gas sensing equipment. If a
leak is found, recommend that a certified technician repair the leak



Reason: The comment was general and no specific replacement language was proposed.  The sentiment behind the objection is duly noted.

Comment #70

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


I object to the misspellings throughout this entire document, but for heaven's sake- can't even get "Instructor" correct! 

Proposed Change:  National Rater  Instuctor Instructor Competency Test with a minimum score of  90% determined by RESNET.



Comment #71

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2, 4, 5,
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


If an examination is required, then the passing score must be published as part of the standard. If it is not, then who determines who passed the exam and who did not? I understand if RESNET has hired a psychrometrician to examine the tests and determine what the passing scores should be- but if that work isn't completed, keep the current passing scores and revise them later through a transparent amendment process. 

Proposed Change:  National Rater  Instuctor Instructor Competency Test with a minimum score of  90% determined by RESNET.  RESNET Combustion Appliance Test with a minimum score of 90%determined by RESNET  RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score of 90% determined by RESNET

204.3.1  Pass the national RESNET HERS Rater tests: Pass the national HERS Rater test 80%, the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score of at least 85%, the Work Scope Development Test with a score of at least 80% and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of at least 80% on each exam. National HERS Rater Test with a minimum score as determined by
RESNET score as determined by RESNET RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score
determined by RESNET  the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score
of at least 85 with a minimum score as determined by RESNET, the Work Scope Development Test with a score of at least 80 and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of at least 80% on each exam with a minimum score as determined by RESNET  Pass the national HESP Exam with a minimum score as determined by  RESNET of at least 75%.  Pass the RESNET graded field evaluation using the following RESNET Tests:
The RESNET Combustion Applicance Simulation exam with a minimum score of 80%.



Reason: RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #72

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.2 in this crazy document
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The elimination of professional development for Rater Instructors (and Quality Assurance Designees) in favor of completing a two hour roundtable every year and attending the RESNET conference once every two years is a really BAD idea. And the training and certification requirements for Quality Assurance Designees and their Delegates belongs in Chapter 2, not Chapter 9. While you're fixing this cockup, please fix that one as well.

From "Continuing Professional Development" by Dr. Guy Brown:

Page 1: "The impact of 'globalization, advancement of technology, massive shifts in work practices and increasing political and consumer pressure on professions' over recent years makes it essential that people keep their knowledge and skills updated throughout their careers in order to be competent and successful whilst maintaining their employability."

Page 1: "Consequently, there has been a rise in organizations and professional bodies which requires their members to participate and complete CPD activities throughout their practicing careers (Robert Gordon University, 2012; Newton, 1993)."

Page 2: "CPD is now a "stated requirement in many occupations as a condition of being able to continue practice or retain membership of the particular profession or occupation (Pettinger, 2002)."

Page 3: "A study was conducted where professionals were interviewed on their thoughts on the definition of CPD. They were seen to have a limited view on the concept- seeing it as "training, a way of keeping up-to-date or as a way of building their careers" (Friedman and Phillips, 2004, p.361)."

Page 3: "...professional associations claim that CPD is a part of life-long learning of an individual and a way of providing employers with a competent and adaptable workforce..." (Friedman and Philips, 2004, p.361."

Page 4: "It is an essential requirement if an individual is either seeking promotion, looking or hunting for new jobs or even keep during the current one efficiently (Infield, 2011).

Page 4: "It 'contributes to a more effective and profitable business [sic] (Plymouth University, 2012)."

Page 5: "Lack of proper support from the professional association to the participating individual can be a huge barrier as without it, the individuals may feel demotivated and become skeptical about the CPD program or process."

Page 6: "Online development may encompass of activities such as web based courses, video conferencing, document sharing etc. Online development activities provide various advantages such as allowing individuals to participate in courses previously out of reach due to travel or cost considerations (Mathis and Jackson, 2003)."

Page 9: "Now CPD, the commitment to maintaining and developing competence is know to be a fundamental characteristic of a professional accountant (Berg, 2007, p.319). It is an ethical obligation stated in the IFAC Code of Ethics;

"A professional accountant has a continuing duty to maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level required to ensure that a client or employer receives competent professional service based on current developments in practice, legislation and techniques." (IFAC, 2005 cited in Berg, 2007, p.319)."

Page 9: "Change is continuous and with it the knowledge and skills required to work successfully as a professional accountant continues to expand. The "rapid technological changes, globalization and rising demand for new ways of reporting" are a few examples of the challenges faced by professional accountants. Consequently, with the increased "knowledge and skills expectations" individuals need to be up-to-date to work effectively throughout their careers. Thus, it is seen that CPD of professional competence plays a vital role in meeting those expectations (Berg, 2007, p.319)."

Page 13: "The demands of change are never ending and CPD is seen to keep an individual up-to-date, relevant, competent and confident in any career."

Page 13: "An effective CPD process with support from employers and professional bodies can help an individual to develop in their careers dramatically and be at the top of the competitive ladder."

From "Cost effectiveness of continuing professional development in healthcare: a critical review of the evidence." By CA Brown, CR Belfield, and SJ Field. In BMJ Volume 324, 16 MARCH 2002

Page 1: "The Department of Health identifies CPD as a way of maintaining standards of care; improving the health of the nation; and recruiting, motivating, and retaining high quality staff."

Page 1: "If we regard CPD as any method to improve health professionals' skills the total resources devoted to it are probably much greater, particularly with the recent increased participation in response to the need for recertification and revalidation."

Page 1: "There is a sizeable [sic] literature on the effectiveness of CPD interventions (over 100 randomised controlled trials are thoroughly reviewed by Davis et al)."

From "Continuing Education Research Studies" 

Note 1: 109 out of 113 researched studies show improvement in the work, skill, and knowledge of those being trained.

Note 2: 5 studies in Table 3: "Changes in Knowledge" show a decrease in knowledge, or retention of skills. Most indicate that the knowledge of attendees has decreased at a three month check, with one study showing only a minor decrease in knowledge at 8 months.

"Quality Review, Continuing Professional Education, Experience and Substandard Performance: An Empirical Study" by C. William Thomas, Charles E. Davis, and Samuel L. Seaman in Accounting Horizons Vol 12, No. 4, December 1998, pp. 340-362

Page 340: "Our results indicate that the number of relevant CPE hours for violators is significantly less than those for the control sample. Additionally, for violators of governmental accounting and auditing standards, who comprise the majority, the amount of relevant experience for violators is significantly less than that of the control sample. Finally, the incidence of QR and the frequency of unqualified reports for violators is significantly lower for violating individuals and firms than in the control sample."

Page 340-341: "Studies conducted in the early to mid-1980s indicated that 30 to 40 percent of all audits (particularly governmental audits) during that time period had been substandard in some way (Larson 1987). Such substandard performance is likely a result of the auditors' low level of professional competence, particularly for small firms and sole proprietorships."

Page 341: "In response to these findings, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) established mandatory quality review (QR) for accounting and auditing practice, and mandatory CPE requirements for all members."

Page 341: "Additionally, both the AICPA and the General Accounting Office (GAO) address the competency issue by requiring audit work be performed by persons having adequate technical training and proficiency."

Page 341: "Implied in these reforms is the assumption that CPE improves competence and enhances quality in the professional account and auditing engagement. Additionally, it may be inferred that regulatory bodies such as the AICPA and the GAO assume that mandatory QR will help reduce the incidence of substandard practice."

Page 341: "We find that CPAs who violate ethics rules relating to technical competency possess significantly fewer CPE hours in the area related to the violation than those found in a random control sample of CPAs practicing in firms of similar size and speciality."

Page 341: "Further, substandard acts are often committed by practitioners whose self-reported percentage of practice is significantly less in the area of violation than the self-reported percentage of practice of the random control sample."

Page 341: "In cases in which QR was conducted on violating firms, reports on those firms were frequently either qualified or modified due to relatively low levels of technical training and proficiency on the part of employees. In contrast, firms in the control sample who had not been disciplined for violations of the competency rules had a high incidence of quality review accompanied by unqualified reports."

Page 342: "We have found no prior research focusing on specific relationships between low levels of CPE, experience, QR results and incompetent professional performance. However, certain previous studies have touched upon isolated aspects of these relationships."

Page 342: "They [Wallace and Campbell (1988)] concluded that expansion of positive enforcement would imply, among other things, increased use of remedial measures such as peer review and education to enhance the quality of professional services. The researchers noted the persistance of the issue as to whether specific types of continuing education would need to be mandated in certain circumstances. In light of the GAO's findings (Larson 1987) Wallance and Campbell (1988) suggested a need for particular emphasis on specific CPE in the governmental area."

"Lifelong Education and Labor Market Needs: An examination of how ongoing learning benefits the society, the corporation and the individual"

Page 1: "70% of employers believe that employees need continuous learning simply to keep up with the demands of their current jobs."

Page 1: "...ongoing education helps employees ascend the corporate ladder, allowing corporations to significantly reduce their bottom line by avoiding the high costs associated with outside hires."

Page 1: "...continuing education and professional development efforts reward the individual with increased compensation, with nearly 9/10 of employers factoring it into pay increases."

Page 1: "Regulations and credentials drive learning in the healthcare industry."

Page 2: "...70% [of employers] believe tht employees need continuous education just to keep pace with the demands of their current jobs."

Page 2: "A recent global study of 12,500 managers strongly concluded that formal education was the most effective way to develop necessary workplace skills, outscoring all other training methods."

Page 2: "Left unchanged, the skills gap will contribute to a decline in average per capita income during the next 10 years, unless more Americans attain the necessary level of education- a level of education that is continuously upgraded over the duration of a career."

Page 3: "...employees are largely unable to keep up with their jobs without ongoing education and as such they cannot be promoted."

Page 3: [from employers] "Current employees simply don't have the skills needed for mid-level positions and have made little attempt to acquire the required knowledge and skills."

Page 3: "The organization lacks a defined in-house employee development plan process."

Page 3: "Developing existing personnel through on-going education is clearly an effective means of managing labor costs."

Page 3: "However, companies are more than willing to give entry-level employees time to procure these credentials in preparation for advancement."

Page 3: "By systematically education current employees, companies ensure their workers are performing optimally at their current position and prepare them to advance."

Page 4: "Lifelong learners demonstrate ambition, leadership, and a desire to remain ahead of industry trends and advancements."

Page 4: "78% of employers said ongoing education has a positive impact on career advancement and 87% said education attainment positively affects compensation and salary."

Page 4: "More than half of respondents revealed that credential accumulation directly affects pay."

Page 4: "According to a report by the Georgetown University's Center of Education and Workforce, employees who engage in ongoing education regularly earn between 3-11% more than their counterparts."

Page 4: "Continuous education helps employees take on more projects and has a positive impact on the quality of work they are completing."

Page 4: "Employees who take continuing education are enhancing their skill set within the framework of their work environment."

Page 4: "Continuing education makes employees more qualified and easier to promote."

Page 4: "95% of the employers studied stated that they financially support employee education through various means."

Page 4: "According to a study by Bersin and Associates, when 10% of employees participate in a tuition reimbursement program it is considered "very high" participation."

Page 5: "...98% of healthcare employers believed that ongoing education has a positive impact on their employees' job performance."

Page 5: "...participation in lifelong education demonstrates a willingness to learn more about the industry, and a desire to make more-informed decisions."

Page 5: "89% of employers said the completion of additional study while employed is a positive factor in employee advancement and promotion."

Page 5: "Furthermore, 95% of employers state that education has aa positive impact on pay scale, with 68% noting a direct correlation. One employer pointed out that earning advanced degrees is rewarded with a 5% pay increase."

Page 5: "As such, employees should look for licensures and certificates that provide them with the specific competencies needed by employers in their industry."

Page 5: "Many positions in healthcare are regulated, and require specific educational credentials."

Page 5: "Personnel are often required to obtain CEU's (Continuing Education Units) in order to maintain their licensure, earn promotions, or both."

Page 6: "To advance in the healthcare industry, employees must ensure they are taking programs that provide them with required credentials."

Page 6: "92% of general business-sector employers responded that it was important for their employees to participate in ongoing education during their employment."

Page 6: "This could be explained by the fact that the general business sector places greater emphasis on practical and applied knowledge than on theory."

Page 6: "General business sector employers frequently pointed out that more practical courses with a spectrum of soft-skills incorporated into the curriculum would increase the relevancy of formal learning opportunities."

Page 6: "Despite their lower level of reliance on education, 95% of general business sector employers agreed that ongoing education has a positive impact on employee job performance."

Page 6: "Furthermore, 79% of employers drew a link between salary and education attainment, many pointing out the virtues of employees who show dedication to obtaining new skills and further integrating themselves further into their chosen industry."

Page 7: "Ongoing education is highly valued by employers across all three sectors as a way to develop more productive and better-equipped employees."

Page 7: "According to the group [National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)], enrollment of adult students has increased by 43% overall during the past decade, making up 42% of students enrolled in higher education institutions in fall 2009."

Page 7: "Continuing education is integral to the success of the employee, the company and society-at-large."


Proposed Change:

203.2 Professional Development (PD)

Annually RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour annual RESNET roundtable on current information and also attend a RESNET conference once every two years.
complete at least one of the following items:
  Document twelve (12) hours per year of attendance at RESNET conferences, or RESNET
approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training
Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences, EEBA conferences,
or other events and venues as approved by RESNET.
  Instruct a minimum of thirty-six (36) hours of RESNET Certification or Professional
Development per year, documented by an Accredited Training Provider in accordance with
section 202.2 – Maintaining Accreditation.

An individual that is both a Certified Rater Instructor Trainer and Quality Assurance Designee
shall complete both the two-hour RESNET roundtable for Rater Instructors Trainers and the two-
hour roundtable for Quality Assurance Designees. Individuals selecting the additional PD option
need only comply with the requirement one time. i.e. 24 hours is not required.

203.2.1 RESNET Certified Instructors must attend the RESNET conference every year, obtain 12 hours of professional development per year from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider or national professional training association, participate in an annual RESNET roundtable of Quality Assurance Designees and Rater Instructors to permit exchange of ideas and feedback from the file and field quality assurance reviews to the Rater Instructors, and teach a minimum of 30 contact hours of instruction under the auspices of a RESNET Accredited Training Provider, and present a minimum of 2 sessions at one or more of the following conferences: RESNET, EEBA, Affordable Comfort, Midwest Regional Energy Conference, Greenprints, or Greenbuild. 

203.2.2 RESNET Certified Quality Assurance Designees must attend the RESNET Conference every year, obtain 12 hours of professional development per year from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider, participate in an annual RESNET roundtable of Quality Assurance Designees and Rater Instructors to permit exchange of ideas and feedback from the file and field quality assurance reviews to the Rater Instructors.


Reason: New language from Work Group:
205.1 RESNET certified Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Raters must renew their certification every three years.
        205.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals. Pass the national RESNET Home Energy Survey Test test        appropriate to their certification once in a three year period.
        205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors. Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.
       205.1.3 Certified Home Energy Raters RESNET certified Home Energy Raters:
• attend a RESNET Approved Conference once every 3 years; OR have 18 hours of RESNET approved professional development from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider
• successfully complete one JobWerks assessment every 3 years.

Comment #73

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 204...if this POS document is to be believed
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


There is absolutely no need for another label or certification in this industry! The requirements for a "Candidate Field Assessor" are identical to those of a QAD Delegate and the role filled by a "Candidate Field Assessor" should be filled by a combination of the Rater Instructor and the Quality Assurance Designee, two certifications that already exist.

Credential inflation is not a good thing, and only breeds confusion. THERE IS NO NEED FOR THIS TITLE, LABEL, OR CERTIFICATION. It's a role played by Rater Instructors, Quality Assurance Designee Delegates, and Quality Assurance Designees.

Proposed Change:


   204.1  Achieving Certification
Individuals shall meet the following requirements to be certified as a RESNET Candidate
Field Assessor.
   204.1.1   Certified HERS Rater in good standing, and
  203.1.2   As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum
of twenty-five (25) homes.  These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality
assurance processes defined in Section 904.

And eliminate all references to this Candidate Field Assessor and replace with Rater Instructor for pre-certification evaluations and Quality Assurance Designee or Quality Assurance Designee Delegate for certification evaluations and re-certification evaluations.


Reason: Due to changes in Chapter 9, the QAD and QADD roles and titles will likely be changing. Consistent language will be proposed for all chapters once Chapter 9 is finalized.

Comment #74

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205.1..according to this thing- WHICH IS WRONG!
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


If the HERS industry is going to become a profession, RESNET must:

  1. require a common body of knowledge that is asymmetrical
  2. create a system for certifying individuals to have that knowledge before licensing those individuals to do the work
  3. commit to use that knowledge for the public good, and renounce the goal of profit maximization in return for being the sole source of certification and standards for the industry
  4. provide a code of ethics with provisions for monitoring individual compliance with the ethical code and a systems of sanctions for enforcing it.
  5. regulate the industry by determining the level of acceptable quality of work in advance because the cost of failure in this industry is high (think lawyers...)

So in an attempt to ensure greater consistency, this proposed amendment chucks all professional development (which increases the human capital of an organization and is the sole basis of sustainable competitive advantage) under the runaway bus and replaces it with passing a test once every three years (HESP), or passing a JobWerks assessment once every three years (RFI, Rater). And how is that going to work?

From: "Continuing Professional Development", Dr. Guy Brown

Page 1: "The impact of 'globalization, advancement of technology, massive shifts in work practices and increasing political and consumer pressure on professions' over recent years makes it essential that people keep their knowledge and skills updated throughout their careers in order to be competent and successful whilst maintaining their employability."

Page 1: "Consequently, there has been a rise in organizations and professional bodies which requires their members to participate and complete CPD activities throughout their practicing careers (Robert Gordon University, 2012; Newton, 1993)."

Page 2: "CPD is now a "stated requirement in many occupations as a condition of being able to continue practice or retain membership of the particular profession or occupation (Pettinger, 2002)."

Page 3: "A study was conducted where professionals were interviewed on their thoughts on the definition of CPD. They were seen to have a limited view on the concept- seeing it as "training, a way of keeping up-to-date or as a way of building their careers" (Friedman and Phillips, 2004, p.361)."

Page 3: "...professional associations claim that CPD is a part of life-long learning of an individual and a way of providing employers with a competent and adaptable workforce..." (Friedman and Philips, 2004, p.361."

Page 4: "It is an essential requirement if an individual is either seeking promotion, looking or hunting for new jobs or even keep during the current one efficiently (Infield, 2011).

Page 4: "It 'contributes to a more effective and profitable business [sic] (Plymouth University, 2012)."

Page 5: "Lack of proper support from the professional association to the participating individual can be a huge barrier as without it, the individuals may feel demotivated and become skeptical about the CPD program or process."

Page 6: "Online development may encompass of activities such as web based courses, video conferencing, document sharing etc. Online development activities provide various advantages such as allowing individuals to participate in courses previously out of reach due to travel or cost considerations (Mathis and Jackson, 2003)."

Page 9: "Now CPD, the commitment to maintaining and developing competence is know to be a fundamental characteristic of a professional accountant (Berg, 2007, p.319). It is an ethical obligation stated in the IFAC Code of Ethics;

"A professional accountant has a continuing duty to maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level required to ensure that a client or employer receives competent professional service based on current developments in practice, legislation and techniques." (IFAC, 2005 cited in Berg, 2007, p.319)."

Page 9: "Change is continuous and with it the knowledge and skills required to work successfully as a professional accountant continues to expand. The "rapid technological changes, globalization and rising demand for new ways of reporting" are a few examples of the challenges faced by professional accountants. Consequently, with the increased "knowledge and skills expectations" individuals need to be up-to-date to work effectively throughout their careers. Thus, it is seen that CPD of professional competence plays a vital role in meeting those expectations (Berg, 2007, p.319)."

Page 13: "The demands of change are never ending and CPD is seen to keep an individual up-to-date, relevant, competent and confident in any career."

Page 13: "An effective CPD process with support from employers and professional bodies can help an individual to develop in their careers dramatically and be at the top of the competitive ladder."

From: "Cost effectiveness of continuing professional development in healthcare: a critical review of the evidence." By CA Brown, CR Belfield, and SJ Field. In BMJ Volume 324, 16 MARCH 2002

Page 1: "The Department of Health identifies CPD as a way of maintaining standards of care; improving the health of the nation; and recruiting, motivating, and retaining high quality staff."

Page 1: "If we regard CPD as any method to improve health professionals' skills the total resources devoted to it are probably much greater, particularly with the recent increased participation in response to the need for recertification and revalidation."

Page 1: "There is a sizeable [sic] literature on the effectiveness of CPD interventions (over 100 randomised controlled trials are thoroughly reviewed by Davis et al)."

From: "Continuing Education Research Studies"

Note 1: 109 out of 113 researched studies show improvement in the work, skill, and knowledge of those being trained.

Note 2: 5 studies in Table 3: "Changes in Knowledge" show a decrease in knowledge, or retention of skills. Most indicate that the knowledge of attendees has decreased at a three month check, with one study showing only a minor decrease in knowledge at 8 months.

From: "Quality Review, Continuing Professional Education, Experience and Substandard Performance: An Empirical Study" by C. William Thomas, Charles E. Davis, and Samuel L. Seaman in Accounting Horizons Vol 12, No. 4, December 1998, pp. 340-362

Page 340: "Our results indicate that the number of relevant CPE hours for violators is significantly less than those for the control sample. Additionally, for violators of governmental accounting and auditing standards, who comprise the majority, the amount of relevant experience for violators is significantly less than that of the control sample. Finally, the incidence of QR and the frequency of unqualified reports for violators is significantly lower for violating individuals and firms than in the control sample."

Page 340-341: "Studies conducted in the early to mid-1980s indicated that 30 to 40 percent of all audits (particularly governmental audits) during that time period had been substandard in some way (Larson 1987). Such substandard performance is likely a result of the auditors' low level of professional competence, particularly for small firms and sole proprietorships."

Page 341: "In response to these findings, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) established mandatory quality review (QR) for accounting and auditing practice, and mandatory CPE requirements for all members."

Page 341: "Additionally, both the AICPA and the General Accounting Office (GAO) address the competency issue by requiring audit work be performed by persons having adequate technical training and proficiency."

Page 341: "Implied in these reforms is the assumption that CPE improves competence and enhances quality in the professional account and auditing engagement. Additionally, it may be inferred that regulatory bodies such as the AICPA and the GAO assume that mandatory QR will help reduce the incidence of substandard practice."

Page 341: "We find that CPAs who violate ethics rules relating to technical competency possess significantly fewer CPE hours in the area related to the violation than those found in a random control sample of CPAs practicing in firms of similar size and speciality."

Page 341: "Further, substandard acts are often committed by practitioners whose self-reported percentage of practice is significantly less in the area of violation than the self-reported percentage of practice of the random control sample."

Page 341: "In cases in which QR was conducted on violating firms, reports on those firms were frequently either qualified or modified due to relatively low levels of technical training and proficiency on the part of employees. In contrast, firms in the control sample who had not been disciplined for violations of the competency rules had a high incidence of quality review accompanied by unqualified reports."

Page 342: "We have found no prior research focusing on specific relationships between low levels of CPE, experience, QR results and incompetent professional performance. However, certain previous studies have touched upon isolated aspects of these relationships."

Page 342: "They [Wallace and Campbell (1988)] concluded that expansion of positive enforcement would imply, among other things, increased use of remedial measures such as peer review and education to enhance the quality of professional services. The researchers noted the persistance of the issue as to whether specific types of continuing education would need to be mandated in certain circumstances. In light of the GAO's findings (Larson 1987) Wallance and Campbell (1988) suggested a need for particular emphasis on specific CPE in the governmental area."

From "Lifelong Education and Labor Market Needs: An examination of how ongoing learning benefits the society, the corporation and the individual"

Page 1: "70% of employers believe that employees need continuous learning simply to keep up with the demands of their current jobs."

Page 1: "...ongoing education helps employees ascend the corporate ladder, allowing corporations to significantly reduce their bottom line by avoiding the high costs associated with outside hires."

Page 1: "...continuing education and professional development efforts reward the individual with increased compensation, with nearly 9/10 of employers factoring it into pay increases."

Page 1: "Regulations and credentials drive learning in the healthcare industry."

Page 2: "...70% [of employers] believe tht employees need continuous education just to keep pace with the demands of their current jobs."

Page 2: "A recent global study of 12,500 managers strongly concluded that formal education was the most effective way to develop necessary workplace skills, outscoring all other training methods."

Page 2: "Left unchanged, the skills gap will contribute to a decline in average per capita income during the next 10 years, unless more Americans attain the necessary level of education- a level of education that is continuously upgraded over the duration of a career."

Page 3: "...employees are largely unable to keep up with their jobs without ongoing education and as such they cannot be promoted."

Page 3: [from employers] "Current employees simply don't have the skills needed for mid-level positions and have made little attempt to acquire the required knowledge and skills."

Page 3: "The organization lacks a defined in-house employee development plan process."

Page 3: "Developing existing personnel through on-going education is clearly an effective means of managing labor costs."

Page 3: "However, companies are more than willing to give entry-level employees time to procure these credentials in preparation for advancement."

Page 3: "By systematically education current employees, companies ensure their workers are performing optimally at their current position and prepare them to advance."

Page 4: "Lifelong learners demonstrate ambition, leadership, and a desire to remain ahead of industry trends and advancements."

Page 4: "78% of employers said ongoing education has a positive impact on career advancement and 87% said education attainment positively affects compensation and salary."

Page 4: "More than half of respondents revealed that credential accumulation directly affects pay."

Page 4: "According to a report by the Georgetown University's Center of Education and Workforce, employees who engage in ongoing education regularly earn between 3-11% more than their counterparts."

Page 4: "Continuous education helps employees take on more projects and has a positive impact on the quality of work they are completing."

Page 4: "Employees who take continuing education are enhancing their skill set within the framework of their work environment."

Page 4: "Continuing education makes employees more qualified and easier to promote."

Page 4: "95% of the employers studied stated that they financially support employee education through various means."

Page 4: "According to a study by Bersin and Associates, when 10% of employees participate in a tuition reimbursement program it is considered "very high" participation."

Page 5: "...98% of healthcare employers believed that ongoing education has a positive impact on their employees' job performance."

Page 5: "...participation in lifelong education demonstrates a willingness to learn more about the industry, and a desire to make more-informed decisions."

Page 5: "89% of employers said the completion of additional study while employed is a positive factor in employee advancement and promotion."

Page 5: "Furthermore, 95% of employers state that education has aa positive impact on pay scale, with 68% noting a direct correlation. One employer pointed out that earning advanced degrees is rewarded with a 5% pay increase."

Page 5: "As such, employees should look for licensures and certificates that provide them with the specific competencies needed by employers in their industry."

Page 5: "Many positions in healthcare are regulated, and require specific educational credentials."

Page 5: "Personnel are often required to obtain CEU's (Continuing Education Units) in order to maintain their licensure, earn promotions, or both."

Page 6: "To advance in the healthcare industry, employees must ensure they are taking programs that provide them with required credentials."

Page 6: "92% of general business-sector employers responded that it was important for their employees to participate in ongoing education during their employment."

Page 6: "This could be explained by the fact that the general business sector places greater emphasis on practical and applied knowledge than on theory."

Page 6: "General business sector employers frequently pointed out that more practical courses with a spectrum of soft-skills incorporated into the curriculum would increase the relevancy of formal learning opportunities."

Page 6: "Despite their lower level of reliance on education, 95% of general business sector employers agreed that ongoing education has a positive impact on employee job performance."

Page 6: "Furthermore, 79% of employers drew a link between salary and education attainment, many pointing out the virtues of employees who show dedication to obtaining new skills and further integrating themselves further into their chosen industry."

Page 7: "Ongoing education is highly valued by employers across all three sectors as a way to develop more productive and better-equipped employees."

Page 7: "According to the group [National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)], enrollment of adult students has increased by 43% overall during the past decade, making up 42% of students enrolled in higher education institutions in fall 2009."

Page 7: "Continuing education is integral to the success of the employee, the company and society-at-large."

Proposed Change:

205.1 RESNET To renew certifiedcation Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field
Inspectors, and HERS Raters, shall renew their certification every three years. Renewal requires
the following: at least one of the following requirements every three years:
205.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals.
Pass the national RESNET Home Energy Survey Test test appropriate to their certification once in
a three year period.
205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors.  Document 18 hours of attendance at RESNET
conferences, or RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited
RESNET Training Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences,
EEBA conferences, or other events and venues as approved by RESNET. PD completed by
RESNET certified individuals prior to achieving a higher certification will be applied toward the
PD requirements of their new certification Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen
by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.   Certified Home Energy Raters Pass the RESNET JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment overseen by a RESNET
certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period

205.1 RESNET certified Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Raters must renew their certification every year.

205.1.2 Home Energy Survey Professionals must have 3 hours of professional development training from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider every year.

205.1.3 RESNET certified Rating Field Inspectors must have 3 hours of professional development from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider every year and successfully complete one JobWerks assessment observed by a Quality Assurance Designee or Quality Assurance Designee Delegate as part of the Rating Field Inspector's annual quality assurance

205.1.4 RESNET certified Home Energy Raters must attend the RESNET, EEBA, Midwest Regional Energy Conference, or Affordable Comfort once every 3 years, have 6 hours of professional development from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider every year, and successfully complete one JobWerks assessment per year observed by a Quality Assurance Designee or Quality Assurance Designee Delegate as part of the Home Energy Rater's annual quality assurance requirements

205.1.5 Any course offered by a RESNET Accredited Training Provider is deemed to be approved for professional development for all RESNET certifications.



Reason: New language from Work Group:
205.1 RESNET certified Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Raters must renew their certification every three years.
        205.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals. Pass the national RESNET Home Energy Survey Test test        appropriate to their certification once in a three year period.
        205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors. Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.
       205.1.3 Certified Home Energy Raters RESNET certified Home Energy Raters:
• attend a RESNET Approved Conference once every 3 years; OR have 18 hours of RESNET approved professional development from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider
• successfully complete one JobWerks assessment every 3 years.

Comment #75

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203 if you believe this thing
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


If we are going to bifurcate the role of the HERS Rater Trainer and give the job of teaching the background and supporting knowledge to this "Rater Instructor", we need to provide the role of job training to the Quality Assurance Designee. Why? Because they are now supposed to be acting as agents of RESNET to ensure consistency...and who better to coach and mentor than the ones ultimately responsible for ensuring consistency among Raters?

Proposed Change:

Achieving Certification

Individuals shall meet the following requirements to be certified as RESNET Rater Instructor
trainer. Only RESNET certified Rater Instructors trainers can conduct rater instruction training
under the auspices of a RESNET accredited Training Provider.
203.1.2  … Mastery is demonstrated by passing the following RESNET Tests:  National Rater  Instuctor Competency Test with a minimum score of  90%
determined by RESNET.  RESNET Combustion Appliance Test with a minimum score determined by
RESNET  RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score determined by

203.1.3  Have an understanding of the purposes and benefits of home energy surveys, home
energy ratings, and the ability to communicate these benefits to students.

203.1.4  Have a basic understanding of energy efficient mortgages, energy
  improvement mortgages and related products, and the ability to communicate these to

203.1.5  Beginning on January 1, 2015, as a certified Home Energy Rater, complete a minimum of
twenty-five (25) Home Energy Ratings. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality
assurance processes defined in Section 904.4. Trainers who were certified prior to the adoption of
this amendment will have until January 1, 2017 to complete the required number of certified

203 Rater Instructor and Quality Assurance Designee Certifications

203.1 Rater Instructor candidates must demonstrate practical understanding of building science and standards by passing the National Rater Instructor Competency Test with a minimum score of 90%

203.2 Rater Instructor candidates must demonstrate experience teaching adults and successfully complete a train the trainer program.

203.3 Rater Instructor candidates must successfully undergo a peer assessment prior to RESNET certifying them as a Certified Rater Instructor.

203.4 The RESNET Certified Rater Instructor is responsible for teaching the background and supporting knowledge found in Section 200 (look at Addendum 1 of the current Standards) and completing one JobWerks assessment per Rating Field Inspector or Rater candidate.

203.5 Quality Assurance Designee candidates must have demonstrated experience with 100 ratings.

203.6 Quality Assurance Designee candidates must have training in mentorship and coaching from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider or national professional training association.

203.7 Quality Assurance Designee candidates must have training in Quality Assurance/Quality Control process and procedures.

203.8 Quality Assurance Designee candidates must pass the National Quality Assurance Designee Competency Test with a minimum score of 90%.

203.9 Quality Assurance Designee candidates must successfully undergo a peer assessment prior to RESNET certifying them as a Certified Quality Assurance Designee.

203.10 The RESNET Certified Quality Assurance Designee is responsible for ensuring the integrity of the Home Energy Rating System through mentoring, job training for consistency, quality control, and quality assurance.

Eliminate all training and certification requirements for QADs in Chapter 9 and bring the certification requirements for QAD Delegates from Chapter 9 to this section in Chapter 2.


Reason: 203.1.1 has not been altered. The adult education requirement remains.

Overlaps the QA chapter- need to coordinate with another committee to determine which chapter covers details on how to become a QAD and how to maintain that credential.

Due to changes in Chapter 9, the QAD and QADD roles and titles will likely be changing. Consistent language will be proposed for all chapters once Chapter 9 is finalized.

Comment #76

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: Why not take a guess...205.2?
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The idea of essentially permitting rating companies to self-certify their Rating Field Inspectors is NOT going to ensure greater consistency. If anything, it will ensure greater inconsistency.

This section of proposed amendment language is unclear because the complete text isn't provided in the proposed amendment. For example, "Prior to issuing a candidate's certification, a RESNET Accredited Rating Quality Assurance …Only RESNET Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers may certify candidates  for the certifications. Rating Providers may require additional training instruction beyond these requirements …"

What language is missing behind those dots? What is the full context? Not that it matters because all of this is the wrong f*%$ing standard anyway (this proposed amendment is for the old standard which has been superseded by amendments in 2013 and 2014).

Proposed Change:

Prior to issuing a candidate's certification, a RESNET a Accredited Rating Quality Assurance …
Only RESNET aAccredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers may certify candidates  for the certifications . Rating Providers may require additional training instruction beyond these requirements

What's the context? Or better yet, where's the text?

The Rating Quality Assurance Provider is not responsible for certifying all the candidates that may be taking RESNET certifications (such as Certified Rater Instructor or Certified Quality Assurance Designee). This section needs to be clear on exactly what certifications they are responsible for (HESP? RFI? Rater?).


Reason: No specific language was proposed.

Comment #77

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205.2.2 or is it 204.2.2? how does 204 come after 205?
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


Beyond the numbering boondoggle and semi-expressed incomplete thoughts, Section 205.2.2 (according to this shady script, but not according to the approved and adopted standard) covers the requirements for RFI certification. I'm really confused by the RFI only having 3 assessments and the Rater having 5- one would think they would have the same requirements for field assessments.


Proposed Change:

205.2.2  Rating Field Inspector (RFI)  Pass the RESNET graded field evaluation using the following RESNET Tests:
The RESNET Combustion Applicance Simulation exam.   At least three mentored rating field inspections observed by a certified HERS
Rater or a RESNET Candidate Field Assessor using the RESNET JobWerks RFI
Mentoring Tool to document results. The RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded field evaluation shall be
performed under the observation of a certified trainer, Quality Assurance Designee Candidate
Field Assessor, or QAD Delegate.   Complete at least five probationary Rating Field Inspections observed by a certified
HERS rater or a quality assurance designee. The certified HERS Rater or QAD shall use the
RESNET JobWerks RFI Tool to document the results of probationary inspections.. The mentored
and assessed probationary  rRating fField iInspections shall comprise at a minimum the following
tasks.   The effective date for item is Jan 1, 2014. Rating Field Inspectors who
were certified prior to Jan 1, 2014 shall pass the RESNET Combustion Appliance Test, and The
Work Scope Development Tests before January 1, 2015. RFIs shall not complete independent field testing and inspections until
they have satisfactorily completed the requisite three five mentored probationary R rating Ffield
Inspections per and pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded
field evaluation. After successfully completing the probationary mentored rRating fField 
iInspections and passing the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment   Graded Field Evaluation, A Rating Field Inspector candidate must pass the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation exam with a score of 80%. A Rating Field Inspector candidate must successfully complete on the job training under the direct supervision of a Rater with at least 25 ratings experience (JobWerks Mentor). A Rating Field Inspector candidate must complete 3 JobWerks assessments on unique addresses under the direct supervision of their JobWerks Mentor. A Rating Field Inspector candidate must complete 2 JobWerks assessments on unique addresses under the observation of a Quality Assurance Designee or Quality Assurance Designee Delegate. Rating Field Inspectors must not complete independent field testing and inspections until they have satisfactorily completed these certification requirements and are certified by a Rating Quality Assurance Provider.


Reason: The requirement for Raters is more stringent than for RFIs because the Rater is allowed to work independently with only annual field QA of their work.  The RFI works closely and continually under a rater who is ultimately responsible for their work.

Comment #78

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: Maybe it's 204.3...but who knows?
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The layout of this proposed amendment document is confusing, the numbering runs the wrong direction, and the format is illogical.

This document should be laid out with the Title, Purpose, and Scope, followed by the certification requirements for each certification, starting with the lowest level and working up to the highest (HESP, RFI, Rater, QAD Delegate, Rater Instructor, QAD) and then the accreditation requirements for Accredited Rating Training Providers and Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers.

But this section doesn't even refer to the correct language of the current standard, but instead modifies an older standard which has been superseded since 2013. The instruction must cover the items found in Addendum 1, section 200...which was approved in 2013.

Proposed Change:

204.3 Home Energy Rater (HERS Rater
204.3.1  Pass the national RESNET HERS Rater tests: Pass the national HERS Rater test 80%, the
RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score of at least 85%, the Work Scope
Development Test with a score of at least 80% and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test
with a score of at least 80% on each exam. National HERS Rater Test with a minimum score as determined by
RESNET score as determined by RESNET RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score
determined by RESNET  the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score
of at least 85 with a minimum score as determined by RESNET, the Work Scope Development
Test with a score of at least 80 and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of
at least 80% on each exam with a minimum score as determined by RESNET   Demonstrate competency at certain tasks mentored by a Certified Trainer by
completing two training ratings. These ratings shall not contain any errors identified by RESNET
approved rating software. Both ratings shall have a reasonably acceptable level of accuracy when
compared to the trainer’s independent ratings of the same houses or building plans. The Trainer
may choose these tasks to be performed in a hands-on environment, from house plans, or through
RESNET approved computer simulations. However at least one of the two training ratings shall be
a confirmed rating conducted in-person with a certified trainer on a real house. The candidate shall
perform the following procedures during the confirmed training rating.
  .   Use pressure differential diagnostics to identify intermediate buffer
  zones including (but not limited to) attics, garages, or crawlspaces.
  tool inputs. 
Identify insulation defects and account for them in energy analysis
Identify insulation types, thickness, and alignment with air barriers.
Measure pressure differences across the building envelope imposed
  by the operation of the home's equipment.   Perform building envelope leakage testing in accordance with the
  airtightness testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and
  Work Scope.   Perform duct leakage testing in accordance with the duct testing
  protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope and
  interpret results.   Identify room and zone pressure imbalances caused by lack of ducted return air or
pressure relief mechanisms such as transfer grilles or jumper ducts.   Identify gas leaks using combustible gas sensing equipment. If a
leak is found, recommend that a certified technician repair the leak.   Perform CAZ, spillage, and CO testing in accordance with Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Test and Depressurization Test for the Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) protocols contained in
ANSI/ACCA 12 QH, Appendix A, Sections A4 and A5.   After passing the all of the RESNET tests exam and completing the two training
ratings, but prior to being certified, the candidate shall complete five three probationary ratings with
a Rating Quality Assurance Provider overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor. At
least three wo of the five three probationary ratings shall be confirmed ratings.

204.3.1 Home Energy Rater candidates must complete Rater instruction delivered by a RESNET Certified Rater Instructor under the auspices of a RESNET Accredited Training Provider.

204.3.2 Home Energy Rater candidates must pass the National HERS Rater Competency exam with a minimum score of 80%.

204.3.3 Home Energy Rater candidates must pass the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation exam with a minimum score of 80%.

204.3.4 Home Energy Rater candidates must pass the RESNET Rater Simulation exam with a minimum score of 80%.

204.3.5 Home Energy Rater candidates must successfully complete 1 JobWerks assessment under the direct supervision of a Certified Rater Instructor prior to receiving a certificate of instruction.

204.3.6 Home Energy Rater candidates must successfully complete a minimum of 3 probationary ratings under the direct supervision of a Rater with 25 homes rating experience and 2 probationary ratings under the observation of a Quality Assurance Designee prior to performing any rating work independent of direct supervision. These probationary ratings are not required to be confirmed (uploaded to the National Buildings Registry) because the candidate is not yet certified to do confirmed ratings. These probationary ratings must be recorded using the JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment software.


Reason: The original amendment meets most of your recommendations. RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard. RESNET will post the scores. Passing scores will be clearly published. 5 probationary ratings will be completed under the auspices of a Candidate Field Assessor which must have completed 25 official ratings that have undergone quality assurance as outlined in Chapter 9.

Comment #79

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7-8
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: Appendix B
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


Duplicate entries need to be removed, the Addenda to the standards needs to be checked to ensure that this proposed amendment doesn't have unintended consequences and conflicts with existing definitions, and the damned RESNET Candidate Field Assessor must be removed.

Proposed Change:

Accredited Rater Training Provider or Training Provider - A Rater Training Provider
accredited by RESNET in accordance with Chapters 2 and 9 of RESNET Standards to train
instruct individuals to become Raters certified by Accredited Rating Quality Assurance
Providers. Only RESNET Accredited Rater Training Providers can offer rater training instruction
and set up the national rater tests.
Approved Rating Quality Assurance Provider – Shall mean a RESNET-accredited RESNET
Quality Assurance Provider who is listed in good standing in the National RESNET Registry.
Comprehensive Home Energy Audit - A level of the RESNET Home Energy Audit process
defined by this standard to include the evaluation, diagnosis and proposed treatment of an existing
home. The Comprehensive Home Energy Audit may be based on a Home Performance
Assessment (“Comprehensive Home Performance Energy Audit”) or Home Energy Rating
(“Comprehensive HERS Audit”), in accordance with the criteria established by this Standard. A
homeowner may elect to go through this process with or without a prior Home Energy Survey or
Diagnostic Home Energy Survey.
Examination - Test developed by RESNET and administered by an accredited Rater Training
Provider from questions developed by Training and Education Committee.
Home Energy Rater, or HERS Rater or Rater – … (see also Rating Field Inspector and Senior
Certified Rater).
Home Energy Rater Candidate, or Rater Candidate – An individual who has received instruction
from a RESNET Accredited Rater Training Provider and has passed the required RESNET tests. 
completed two (2) supervised ratings with a RESNET Accredited Training Provider, passed the
National Core Rater Test and is in the process of completing three (3) additional probationary
ratings necessary for certification by an Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Provider as a Home
Energy Rater.
Home Energy Rating Quality Assurance Provider, or HERS QA Provider, or Rating Provider-
See Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Provider.
Home Energy Rating Quality Assurance Provider, or HERS QA Provider, or Rating Provider-
See Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Provider.
Home Energy Survey, Diagnostic - A level of the RESNET Home Energy Survey in accordance
with this standard, consisting of an In-Home Home Energy Survey and additional diagnostic
National Core HERS Rater Test - Computer-based examination developed by the Residential
Energy Services Network’s (RESNET) Training and Education Committee and administered by
Quality Assurance Committee (QA Committee) – A Standing Committee of the RESNET
organization that is responsible for the oversight of RESNET’s rating quality assurance program,
review and ruling on the merits of formal Ethics and Consumer Complaints received by RESNET,
and review and rule on the merits of all appeals of non-approval or renewal of an application,
probation, suspension, or revocation.
Rater Instructor Trainer, Certified - An individual certified by RESNET and designated by an 
aAccredited Rater Training Provider to provide instruction and assistance to candidatestrainees.  A
class instructor who has demonstrated, by means of passing the RESNET National Rater Trainer
Competency Test, mastery of the building science and rating system and competency necessary to
effectively teach Rater training courses. Only RESNET certified Rater Instructors Trainers can
provide rater training instruction under the auspices of a RESNET accredited Rater Training

RESNET Candidate Field Assessor – An individual certified by RESNET and designated by an
accredited RESNET Rating Quality Assurance Provider to conduct probationary and field
assessments for candidates.

RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test or Combustion Appliance Test -– Simulation
based practical test adopted by RESNET used for the assessment of RFI and HERS Rater
RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test – Simulation based practical test adopted by
RESNET used for the assessment of HERS Rater candidates.
RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment - Tablet-based software adopted by RESNET, residing in
the cloud, used for assessment of RESNET RFI candidates.

RESNET JobWerks RFI Mentoring Tool- Tablet-based software adopted by RESNET, residing
in the cloud, used for coaching, tracking and assessmen tmentoring of RESNET RFI  cCandidates.

RESNET JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment – Tablet-based software adopted by RESNET,
residing in the cloud, used for assessment of RESNET HERS Raters.

RESNET National Rater Trainer Competency Test – Certification test developed and
administered by RESNET to ensure that accredited Rater Training Providers’ trainers have the
requisite knowledge and competence to serve as trainers for prospective certified Raters.  The
test is based on the national core competency exam developed and maintained by RESNET.
Technical Committee - A Standing Committee of the RESNET organization that is responsible for
review and oversight of the RESNET Technical Standards (Chapter 3).
Training and Education Committee - A Standing Committee of the RESNET organization that
is responsible for overseeing RESNET training, RESNET tests, and education and professional
development for RESNET Providers and Raters.

Start over.


Reason: The comment was general and no specific revision language was proposed.

Comment #80

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 1-8
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


This proposed amendment is full of inconsistencies, incomplete sentences, text pulled out of context, appears to modify an older version of the standard, and is very poorly written.

Was the following process (taken from the current non-ANSI/RESNET Standards Development Policies and Procedures Manual, approved by the Board of Directors in 2014) followed?

For the purposes of continuous maintanence, all proposed changes to a published standard shall be reviewed when received. The SMB shall determine whether the change is critical or not.
A project to revise an existing standard begins with a proposed amendment and a justification. Any person may propose a revision to an existing standard. The person shall submit the proposal via the online standard amendment form posted on the RESNET website. Proposed revisions shall be provided in underline/strikeout format and clearly identify the elements of the standard to be modified. The proponent shall provide substantive reason(s) or justification for each proposed change. Any proposal to change that does not include proposed language for change(s) and substantive justification for changes shall be rejected.
The Proposed amendment and justification shall be provided to the Standards Manager. The Standards Manager shall review the documentation to check for completeness and where needed, require clarification.
When the Standards Manager deems the proposed amendment submittal complete, the proposed amendment and justification shall be sent to the SMB Chairman for determination of whether the proposed amendment is critical or not.
When a critical change is received, the SMB shall decide whether the proposed change will be handled as an addendum to the published standard or whether it will be handled by updating the published standard. The proposed change shall be assigned to the appropropriate Committee by the SMB Chairman and the standards development process as outlined in sections 10.8.4 through 10.8.8 of this manual shall be followed.
When a non-critical proposed change is received, the proposal shall be kept on file to be provided to the appropriate Committee when the standard is next updated or as determined by the SMB.

If that part was followed, did this happen next (also pulled from the non-ANSI/RESNET Standard Development Policies and Procedures Manual)?

10.8.4 Committee Non-”ANSI/RESNET” Standards Development Procedures
Each version of the standard shall be identified using a sequential numbering system (e.g. RESNET CD 100-1). The Chair of the Committee shall determine whether to hold a meeting of the Committee or to circulate the Committee Draft standard for a formal vote of the Committee members.
If a meeting is called first, the Committee Draft standard shall be reviewed and changes may be made to the document. Agreement to each change shall be done by a simple majority of the members attending that meeting.
Once the Chair has deemed that the standard is mature enough and there has been complete discussion on the document, the resulting Committee Draft standard shall be circulated to the Committee members for a formal electronic ballot. Any Committee member objection on the Committee Draft which the member considers “unresolved” shall be circulated with the ballot. The ballot question shall be formed to determine approval of the draft considering all unresolved objections of members (e.g. in light of the comments, responses to them and any substantive changes, do you approve standard xxx as a RESNET standard?)
All electronic ballots shall be formatted as affirmative motions and worded so that the voter may respond: yes; yes, with comment; no, with comment/reason; abstain, or; abstain, with comment. The minimum return requirement for an electronic ballot is a quorum (the majority) of members.
Approval of the standard shall be determined by consensus vote, whereby a majority of Committee members cast a vote (counting abstentions) and at least two-thirds of those voting approve (not counting abstentions). An abstention on a ballot will not be counted as a cast vote but will be used in the determination of a quorum.
The Committee shall record and consider all negative votes accompanied by comments that are related to the proposal under consideration.
If the Draft Standard is not approved, the Committee shall continue discussions and revisions to the Committee Draft to try to achieve consensus.
All negative votes that are not changed at the request of the voter shall be recorded and reported to the SMB as unresolved negatives.
When the Draft Standard has been modified sufficiently to address the member comments and meet the consensus vote requirement, the Committee shall vote to approve it as a Preliminary Draft Standard (PDS) and submit it to public comment.
Prior to public comment, RESNET professional staff shall be allowed one week to review and comment on the PDS. Should any substantive change be suggested by staff the Committee Chairman shall ask members to consider modifying the PDS before submitting the standard to the public for comment.

Or did everybody wake up with a hangover and forget that RESNET's Board of Directors approved a policy and procedures manual last year that creates a process for ALL standards development to follow?

Proposed Change:

This entire proposed amendment needs to be scrapped and re-booted, following the proper process for standards development per the non-ANSI/RESNET Standards Development Policies and Procedures Manual adopted by the RESNET Board of Directors.

Not doing so will lead to a challenge that RESNET did not follow the policies and procedures of standards development that the Board of Directors has approved.


Reason: No specific language was proposed.

Comment #81

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 1
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 202
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Technical


Accreditation was spelled incorrectly.

Proposed Change:

Achieving Accreditation
... Training Providers shall demonstrate through completion ofcomplete the RESNET Rater Training Provider Accredition Accreditation Application.



Comment #82

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


The minimum score needs to be determined prior to the passing of the ammendment, otherwise everyone from no one who takes the exam will have no idea what they need to get to pass. Does a 60 pass? We don't know. Does an 85 pass? Who knows? Everyone passes then since there is no set score in the standard.

Proposed Change: National Rater Instuctor Competency Test with a minimum score of 90%
determined by RESNET.


Reason: RESNET is working with a psychometrician and implementing best practices as recommended. RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #83

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


The minimum score needs to be determined prior to the passing of the ammendment, otherwise everyone from no one who takes the exam will have no idea what they need to get to pass. Does a 60 pass? We don't know. Does an 85 pass? Who knows? Everyone passes then since there is no set score in the standard.

Proposed Change: RESNET Combustion Appliance Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET.


Reason: RESNET is working with a psychometrician and implementing best practices as recommended. RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #84

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


The minimum score needs to be determined prior to the passing of the ammendment, otherwise everyone from no one who takes the exam will have no idea what they need to get to pass. Does a 60 pass? We don't know. Does an 85 pass? Who knows? Everyone passes then since there is no set score in the standard.


What determines what the passing score will be? Are you just going to pull a number out of a hat?

Proposed Change: RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET


Reason: RESNET is working with a psychometrician and implementing best practices as recommended. RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #85

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2-3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.1.5
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


We need our Rater Instructors to be able to do work in the field. Do we really want someone who has never completed a rating to teach future raters how to run tests? No. We need people who are certified and know what they are doing, or we are going to have mediocre people out in the field doing work. If the Rater Instructor does not complete 25 full ratings, then they will be missing out on knowledge that they need in order to teach others.

Proposed Change:

203.1.5 Beginning on January 1, 2015, as a certified Home Energy Rater, complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) Home Energy Ratings. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4. Trainers who were certified prior to the adoption of this amendment will have until January 1, 2017 to complete the required number of certified ratings.


Reason:  There are two distinct areas of expertise required for raters: content knowledge and practical ability. According to the proposed standard, Instructors provide the content knowledge and Candidate Field Assessors provide mentorship on hands-on skills. CFAs are required to complete 25 confirmed ratings. The addition of the practical exam (which Instructors must pass) and the field assessment have met the need to confirm Instructor practical abilities.

Comment #86

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.2
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Technical


"Annually Resnest Certified Instructors" doesn't make any sense grammatically. Just take it out, don't move it somewhere else.

Proposed Change:

Annually RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour annual RESNET roundtable on current information and also attend a RESNET conference once every two years.


Reason: RESNET is not misspelled and annually is not used twice in proposed amendment.

Comment #87

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.2
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Technical


Do they have to attend the roundtable every year? is that what the annually is supposed to mean? If you want them to attend one every year, then say that they need to attend every year. Don't use annual, beacuse that just makes it seem like the roundtable is annual.

Proposed Change:

Annually RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour annual RESNET roundtable on current information every year and also attend a RESNET conference once every two years.


Reason: New language proposed by the Working Group:

203.2  RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour  RESNET roundtable on current information each year and also once every  three years:
• document twelve (12) hours of attendance at the RESNET conference or other conferences approved by RESNET
• complete eighteen (18) hours RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers or other events or venues approved by RESNET

Comment #88

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.2
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


It is really expensive to have to go to the RESNET conference once every two years. You have to pay for the flight, the hotel, and maybe even rent a car depending upon the locatio of the hotel in respect to the convention center. And then there's the cost of food. Some of the "convention hotels" don't have complimentary breakfast. There are no refrigerators that can be used by you so then you also have to pay an arm and a leg just for water.

There should be some other option than having to attend the conference every year. We had a conversation with one of our clients who is a one-man-shop and he was saying that he would love to come to the conference every year, even every other year, but he simply cannot afford it. It is a big time commitment, and is at a weird time on the calender because it's a Monday through Wednesday thing. So it takes away from their work and family.

It costs a lot and takes up a lot of time and some people just cannot make that happen.

Proposed Change:

Annually RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour annual RESNET roundtable on current information and also attend a RESNET conference once every two years.


Reason: New language proposed by the Working Group:

203.2  RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour  RESNET roundtable on current information each year and also once every  three years:
• document twelve (12) hours of attendance at the RESNET conference or other conferences approved by RESNET
• complete eighteen (18) hours RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers or other events or venues approved by RESNET

Comment #89

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.2
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


Why would you want to get rid of professional development? Do you want people to stop learning and honing their craft? 

Because that's what is going to happen. Without professional development, skills will degrade. We should be constantly learning and honing our craft, but some people need that extra push in order to keep up with their trade. 

This is especially important in the case of instructers. They are the ones who are teaching the future of the industry. And they MUST keep up to date on the changing industry. There is no way that they will be able to keep their skills up without the requirement of professional development.

If professional development is taken out, you are reducing the industry to being trade workers, not professionals.


Proposed Change:

Document twelve (12) hours per year of attendance at RESNET conferences, or RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences, EEBA conferences, or other events and venues as approved by RESNET.


Reason: New language proposed by the Working Group:

203.2  RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour  RESNET roundtable on current information each year and also once every  three years:
• document twelve (12) hours of attendance at the RESNET conference or other conferences approved by RESNET
• complete eighteen (18) hours RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers or other events or venues approved by RESNET

Comment #90

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.2
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


You don't want to require an instructor to teach? So anyone could get a certification and then just sort of have it for life and never even teach a class. This is degrading to the instructors that work hard to try and teach a bunch of rater classes every year. 

Teaching helps hone your own skills. If you want to really understand a subject, you should teach it to someone else. The requirement of teaching hours isn't just about making sure you are keeping up your requirement, it is about keeping up with your skill set, and this will impact the future of the industry.

Proposed Change:

Instruct a minimum of thirty-six (36) hours of RESNET Certification or Professional Development per year, documented by an Accredited Training Provider in accordance with section 202.2 – Maintaining Accreditation.


Reason:  New language proposed by the Working Group:

203.2  RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour  RESNET roundtable on current information each year and also once every  three years:
• document twelve (12) hours of attendance at the RESNET conference or other conferences approved by RESNET
• complete eighteen (18) hours RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers or other events or venues approved by RESNET

Comment #91

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 204
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


There is no need for this position to be created. Doing so will only inflate creditionals. The job that this new position would do is already being done by the RESNET Certified Quality Assurance Designee.

The point of this ammendment is to make everything more consistant, but with the creation of this new position, it just makes everything more confusing.

Proposed Change:

204.1 Achieving Certification
Individuals shall meet the following requirements to be certified as a RESNET Candidate Field Assessor.
204.1.1 Certified HERS Rater in good standing, and
203.1.2 As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum of twenty-five (25) homes. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4.


Reason: Due to changes in Chapter 9, the QAD and QADD roles and titles will likely be changing. Consistent language will be proposed for all chapters once Chapter 9 is finalized.

Comment #92

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 204
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Technical


If you are going to make the change, at least make sure that the code is consistant. Don't just copy and paste from somewhere else.

Proposed Change:

203204.1.2 As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum of twenty-five (25) homes. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality assurance processes defined in Section 904.4.


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #93

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205.1.1
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


What consititutes a RESNET-approved proctor?

Proposed Change:

205.1.1 Examinations
... Rater Written examinations are administered by RESNET, and set up overseen by a RESNET accredited Rater Training Provider, certified trainer and overseen by a RESNET approved or their designated proctor.


Reason: Link to proctor requirements.

Approved proctors include BPI exam proctors, faculty and staff of libraries, trade schools, colleges, independent testing institutions, or others as approved by RESNET. Approved proctors shall adhere to RESNET's defined test proctoring procedures.

Comment #94

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


You need to have a minimum score defined in the standard and not "determined by RESNET". When are you going to determine the score? How long before there is a benchmark? How many people are going to take an exam and not know if they passed or not because there is no determined passing score?

Proposed Change: Pass the national HESP Exam with a minimum score as determined by RESNET.


Reason: RESNET is working with a psychometrician and implementing best practices as recommended. RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard.

Comment #95

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The code needs to be changed to remain consistant with the section.

Proposed Change:

204 At least three mentored rating field inspections observed by a certified HERS Rater or a RESNET Candidate Field Assessor using the RESNET JobWerks RFI Mentoring Tool to document results.


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #96

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The code needs to be changed to remain consistant with the section.

Proposed Change:

204 The RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded field evaluation shall be performed under the observation of a certified trainer, Quality Assurance Designee Candidate Field Assessor, or QAD Delegate.


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #97

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Technical


The code needs to be changed to remain consistant with the section.

Proposed Change:

204 Complete at least five probationary Rating Field Inspections observed by a certified HERS rater or a quality assurance designee. The certified HERS Rater or QAD shall use the RESNET JobWerks RFI Tool to document the results of probationary inspections..


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #98

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


There is no need for the position of the Candidate Field Assessor to be created. They are doing a job that is already being covered. It is a redundant position and only makes things more complicated and confusing.

Proposed Change:

The RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded field evaluation shall be performed under the observation of a certified trainer, Quality Assurance Designee Candidate Field Assessor, or QAD Delegate.


Reason: Due to changes in Chapter 9, the QAD and QADD roles and titles will likely be changing. Consistent language will be proposed for all chapters once Chapter 9 is finalized.

Comment #99

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 200
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


 Aside from the fact that this is an incomplete thought, it doesn't belong in the purpose and scope.  While they are mentioned in this chapter for their role in certifying candidates, most of the responsibilities and requirements for Rating Quality Assurance Providers are already covered in another chapter.

Proposed Change:

These standards define the requirements of Accredited Training Providers, Certified Rater
TrainersInstructors, and Certification Candidates. RESNET shall confirm that the requirements
defined in this standard have been met when accrediting Ttraining Pproviders and certifying Rrater
trainers Instructors. Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers …


Reason: The ellipsis at the end of the incomplete sentence was meant to indicate that the remainder of this paragraph would remain in the standard. The language past the ellipsis is to be included.

Comment #100

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


What tasks? There are no tasks listed so that we know what the minimum required tasks are. This sentence just ends and is not a complete sentence.

Proposed Change:

The mentored and assessed probationary rRating fField iInspections shall comprise at a minimum the following tasks.


Reason: The tasks are listed in the Advisory Version and were not intended to be left out of the standard. The tasks were not written in the amendment because there was no proposed change to them.

Comment #101

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Technical


Copied the same thing twice.

Proposed Change: National HERS Rater Test with a minimum score as determined by RESNET score as determined by RESNET.


Reason: RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard. RESNET will post the scores. Passing scores will be clearly published.

Comment #102

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


There needs to be a minimum score before the passing the ammendment or at least some guideline within the standard that determines when there will be a determined score.

Proposed Change: National HERS Rater Test with a minimum score as determined by RESNET score as determined by RESNET.


Reason: RESNET is working with a psychometrician and implementing best practices as recommended. RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard. Scores will clearly posted.

Comment #103

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: Entire document
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 200
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


When reviewing this proposed standard change it became apparent that the proposed standard did not receive the attention to detail that it should have.  The proposed standard is not coherent, there are many miss spellings, and I feel that to adequately comment it would require rewriting almost every section.  I therefore would recommend that the proposed standard change be rejected in its entirety and sent back to the proponent for additional work. I would suggest that the proponent broaden their sphere of influences and seek out additional points of view from training and quality assurance providers.  There are many sound things that are proposed but also many that, in my mind, should be discussed further before submitting and reworked to create better more thoughtful standard.  I also question whether proprietary software such as job works can be included in an ANSI standard.  I believe that more general definition needs to be used in the same way that rating software is discussed.  The ANSI-RESNET Standard 301-2014 does not say use REMRate but rather talks about an approved software and or method.  Job works may be the only tool available but we cannot limit other equivalent tools and processes from being used.

Proposed Change:

Start over


Reason: No proposed language.

Comment #104

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


The RESNET Rater Simulator Practical Test is not ready and has not been fully vetted.  In order to prevent the sort of bugs and technical issues seen with the previous simulator, the effective date for this exam was proposed to be moved forward for good reason.  That same effective date should be reflected here.

Proposed Change: Effective July, 1st 2016, RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET



Comment #105

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.2
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


If the purpose of this amendment is to strengthen the industry by raising the bar for training an education, the change in this section falls short.  The change does not enhance anything and only serves to reduce the options for trainers with regard to professional development.  There was nothing wrong with the existing language, so no change was needed here in my opinion.  Other than the minor editorial fixes, I'm proposing we stick with the current language and requirements.

Proposed Change:

Annually RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour annual RESNET
roundtable on current information and also attend a RESNET conference once every two years.
complete at least one of the following items:
Document twelve (12) hours per year of attendance at RESNET conferences, or RESNET
approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training
Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences, EEBA conferences,
or other events and venues as approved by RESNET.
Instruct a minimum of thirty-six (36) hours of RESNET Certification or Professional
Development per year, documented by an Accredited Training Provider in accordance with
section 202.2 – Maintaining Accreditation.
An individual that is both a Certified Rater Instructor Trainer and Quality Assurance Designee
shall complete both the two-hour RESNET roundtable for Rater Instructors Trainers and the twohour
roundtable for Quality Assurance Designees. Individuals selecting the additional PD option
need only comply with the requirement one time. i.e. 24 hours is not required.


Reason: New language proposed by the Working Group:

203.2  RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour  RESNET roundtable on current information each year and also once every  three years:
• document twelve (12) hours of attendance at the RESNET conference or other conferences approved by RESNET
• complete eighteen (18) hours RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers or other events or venues approved by RESNET

Comment #106

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.1.2
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


Rating 25 homes does not make one an experienced rater by any rater's measure that I know of.  Internally, we wouldn't have a rater mentoring a new person until they've done 400-500 ratings and have been certifed for at least two years.  That ensures that they've had repeated field and file QA and feedback from their QAD to help them become better.  Not everyone has the luxury of a busy operation to meet 500 ratings in two years, but surely we can make the bar higher than 25.  The way it reads now, a rater could reach 25 ratings having only been freshly certified for a month!  They likely would not have had much if any field or file QA at that early stage.

Proposed Change:

203.1.2 As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum
of twenty-five (25) 100 homes and maintain good standing as an active rater for a minimium of one (1) year. These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality
assurance processes defined in Section 904.4


Reason: 100 homes is difficult to maintain in smaller companies or rural markets, but higher criteria may be required by providers. It’s in the QA Provider’s best interest to employ CFAs with ample experience.

Comment #107

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205.2
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


First of all, this section as it appears in the Draft document does not appear to correctly reflect the original language with strikethrough as required.  Secondly we see another instance of the embarrasing elipse that indicates an incomplete thought by the author.  Since those thoughts are incomplete, I can't enter this as an editorial comment.  It needs new content, which I am proposing below.  If "Instructor" and "Quality Assurance Designee" are RESNET Certifications as indicated in this chapter, then the language in this section needs to be more specific.  Otherwise, it looks as though the QA Provider can certify all RESNET Certifications.

Proposed Change:

205.2 Certification
Prior to issuing a candidate's certification, a RESNET a Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Provider must verify that a candidate has met all certification requirements described in this chapter.
Only RESNET aAccredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers may certify candidates for the HESP, RFI, Candidate Field Assessor, and Rater
certifications . Rating Providers may require additional training instruction beyond these


Reason:  The language in the proposed amendment provides for the commenter’s intent.  “Shall confirm” is the stronger statement to “must verify”.  Board decision to use “shall” in standard language for a requirement.  Using “for the certifications” allows for future additions, if needed, without standard amendment.

Comment #108

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 204.2..2.3
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


I like the JobWerks tool and I think it will be a positive change for the way the industry trains and evaluates RFIs.  But RESNET Standards should never refer to proprietary products by name.  We have always made a clear effort on this and I would think the ANSI process would not allow it anyway.  We need generic language to describe the mentoring tool.  This general comment could be applied to multiple sections within the proposed Amendment.

Proposed Change: RFIs shall not complete independent field testing and inspections until
they have satisfactorily completed the requisite three five mentored probationary R rating Ffield
Inspections per and pass a the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment graded
field evaluation.


Reason: RESNET JobWerks is the RESNET owned and trademarked required assessment for RFI certification.

Comment #109

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


This is another incomplete section.  I don't see it adding anything of value, so am proposing that the whole section be removed.

Proposed Change: After successfully completing the probationary mentored rRating fField
iInspections and passing the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment Graded Field Evaluation,


Reason: There is language  included after the comma:

“RFI’s may be permitted to conduct all rating tasks contained under Appendix A- On-Site Inspection Procedures for Minimum Rated Features: On-Site Inspections Procedures for Minimum Rated Features without having a certified Rater on site.”

Comment #110

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


The new Simulation Practical Test implementation date should be listed here.

Proposed Change: the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a score
of at least 85
with a minimum score as determined by RESNET, the Work Scope Development
Test with a score of at least 80 and, effective July 1st, 2016 the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score of
at least 80% on each exam
with a minimum score as determined by RESNET


Reason: Implementation dates for exams are no longer being included in standard language as recommended by RESNET Standard’s Manager.

Comment #111

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


Adding the simulator exam to the Rater Training requirements is an enhancement.  Replacing the field training requirements with a simulator is not.  I believe we need to keep the current requirements for field training in place AND add the simulator exam.

Proposed Change: Demonstrate competency at certain tasks mentored by a Certified Trainer by
completing two training ratings. These ratings shall not contain any errors identified by RESNET
approved rating software. Both ratings shall have a reasonably acceptable level of accuracy when
compared to the trainer’s independent ratings of the same houses or building plans. The Trainer
may choose these tasks to be performed in a hands-on environment, from house plans, or through
RESNET approved computer simulations. However at least one of the two training ratings shall be
a confirmed rating conducted in-person with a certified trainer on a real house. The candidate shall
perform the following procedures during the confirmed training rating.
. Use pressure differential diagnostics to identify intermediate buffer
zones including (but not limited to) attics, garages, or crawlspaces. Identify insulation defects and account for them in energy analysis
tool inputs. Identify insulation types, thickness, and alignment with air barriers. Measure pressure differences across the building envelope imposed
by the operation of the home's equipment. Perform building envelope leakage testing in accordance with the
airtightness testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and
Work Scope. Perform duct leakage testing in accordance with the duct testing
protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope and
interpret results. Identify room and zone pressure imbalances caused by lack of ducted return air or
pressure relief mechanisms such as transfer grilles or jumper ducts. Identify gas leaks using combustible gas sensing equipment. If a
leak is found, recommend that a certified technician repair the leak. Perform CAZ, spillage, and CO testing in accordance with Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Test and Depressurization Test for the Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) protocols contained in
ANSI/ACCA 12 QH, Appendix A, Sections A4 and A5.



Field training requirements are being assessed by CFAs during the probationary ratings. Instructors are encouraged to incorporate field training into their classes. How to conduct a rating is outlined in Chapter 3.

Comment #112

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


My previous comment was to keep the field training requirements intact.  To that end, there would not be 5 probationary ratings as stated in this section because two are accounted for in the training requirements.

Proposed Change: After passing the all of the RESNET tests exam and completing the two training
ratings, but prior to being certified, the candidate shall complete five three probationary ratings with
a Rating Quality Assurance Provider overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor. At
least three two of the five three probationary ratings shall be confirmed ratings.


Field training requirements are being assessed by CFAs during the probationary ratings. Instructors are encouraged to incorporate field training into their classes. How to conduct a rating is outlined in Chapter 3.

Comment #113

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 1
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: Justification
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: General


THANK YOU for bringing the "consistency issue" into the training arena, and not merely the Quality Assurance arena.  Initial discussions have focused mostly on QA rather than education and dissemination. 

My hope is that standards and policy will continue to expand in requiring RESNET to act as a hub for the up-front and ongoing clarification of technical and compliance issues.


Reason: No proposed language.

Comment #114

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 201
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


Please don't omit the Training and Education without clarifying how their tasks are handled.  If it's all in SDC 200 (which is about standards, I believe, not training content), then define some structure for overseeing curricula and test content.

Proposed Change:

Restore sections 201.2 to 201.2.4, or define another structure for the maintenance of training and certification and continuing education.


Reason: No proposed language.

Comment #115

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: all
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The NEHERS Standards Committee has reviewed the proposed amendments to Chapter 2 of the RESNET Standards for Instruction, Assessment, and Certification. It is the opinion of our group that this document represents a preliminary draft of the proposed changes, and we would certainly expect that another comment period will follow in the future once the amendment proponents have framed their modifications out in greater detail. With that goal in mind, NEHERS is prepared to make detailed comments regarding the proposed amendments at a more appropriated time.  At this time, the NEHERS Standards Committee would offer the following comments on where we would like to see said clarifications:

1. The role of the Field Assessor is not made clear enough in this document, especially in terms of how RESNET plans to handle potential conflicts of interest with this new role. For instance, Section states “…shall complete five probationary ratings with the Rating Quality Assurance Provider overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor.” This language is unclear as to whether the Field Assessor must be independent of the Provider or not. Is the Field Assessor to be independent of the Trainer, the Provider, both? Can this role be filled by the Trainer of record or the QAD of the Provider? If the Field Assessor role cannot be filled by the Rater Instructor, does it make sense to have lessened certification requirements for the Field Assessor as compared to the Rater Instructor when the Field Assessor will in essence be evaluating the quality of the Rater Instructor’s training program when conducting field assessments of candidates?

2. The phrasing “minimum score determined by RESNET” is used in several location throughout the document in reference to passing scores for the various exams. In our opinion, this needs to be removed and replaced with clearly stated passing metrics for these tests. Other certification groups use this unstated performance target method, and it is always a cause for concern, confusion, and eventual outcry.

3. The current requirements for the Field Assessor role are too weak in our opinion. At a minimum, the Field Assessor should be required to prove competency with the JobWerks Tool before being allowed to use it to assess a candidate’s abilities, and by extension the Rater Instructor who trained them. Additionally, a provision should be added along the lines of 905.3.2, wherein a minimum of (5) of a QAD candidate’s required (25) ratings must have been reviewed for accuracy by a certified QAD.

4. Section states “The mentored and assessed Rating Field Inspections shall comprise at a minimum the following tasks.” Those tasks are not then enumerated in the document text however.

5. Because the JobWerks assessment tool for HERS Raters and the Rater Simulation Test are not yet available for public review it is premature to solicit public comment on their inclusion in proposed amendments to the RESNET Standards.


Reason: The comment was general and no specific language was proposed.

Comment #116

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2 - 9
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: All
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


There's no consistently defined difference between "Instructor" and "Trainer" across industries, or in the standards.  Nowhere do we see an articulated reason for changing "Trainer" to "Instructor" or "training" to "instruction", so I assume it is an arbitrary change.

The change as entered into the proposed amendment leads to several inconsistencies itself (e.g.  "only RESNET certified Rater Instructors can offer rater training..." [202.2.2] and "tOnly RESNET certified Rater Instructors can conduct rater instruction..." [203.1])

Nothing is gained (as defined) by the new term.

Proposed Change:

Leave all references to trainers and training as such, and don't change them to "instructors" and "instruction"


Reason:  No proposed language.

Comment #117

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


While the JobWerks tool is a great tool for mentoring and documenting the training of RFI's, I do not see how it could be construed as Professional Development for a renewing rater.  At best, the tool might allow a rater to demonstrate that they still have the minimum knowledge expected to enter the industry.  Simply maintaining minimum competency does NOT constitute development.  Removing the previous professional development requirements will be a hardship for those hosting conferences (including RESNET) as well as those RESNET Accredited Training Providers who offer continuing education courses.  I am proposing that we strike the language from section and replace it with the previous language (which is shown in strike-out on this amendment under section 205.1.2)

Proposed Change: Pass the RESNET JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment overseen by a RESNET
certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period
Document 18 hours of attendance at RESNET
conferences, or RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited
RESNET Training Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences,
EEBA conferences, or other events and venues as approved by RESNET. PD completed by
RESNET certified individuals prior to achieving a higher certification will be applied toward the
PD requirements of their new certification


Reason: New language from Work Group:
205.1 RESNET certified Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Raters must renew their certification every three years.
        205.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals. Pass the national RESNET Home Energy Survey Test test        appropriate to their certification once in a three year period.
        205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors. Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.
       205.1.3 Certified Home Energy Raters RESNET certified Home Energy Raters:
• attend a RESNET Approved Conference once every 3 years; OR have 18 hours of RESNET approved professional development from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider
• successfully complete one JobWerks assessment every 3 years.

Comment #118

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


CAZ requirements have no place in the section under Professional Development.  They may have been viewed as such when first intruduced since it was a new requirement and existing raters had to pass it in order to keep their certification.  But this should be built into the minimum training requirements, in which case it can be removed from the section on Professional Development.

Proposed Change: CAZ Testing Perform CAZ, spillage, and CO testing in accordance with Carbon
Monoxide (CO) Test and Depressurization Test for the Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ)
protocols contained in ANSI/ACCA 12 QH, Appendix A, Sections A4 and A5. Perform CAZ
depressurization, spillage, and CO testing. Identify room and zone pressure imbalances caused by lack of ducted
return air or pressure relief mechanisms such as transfer grilles or jumper ducts. Identify CAZ
depressurization issues caused by duct return leaks in the CAZ zone, supply leaks outside the house
pressure boundary, zonal pressure imbalances, and/or exhaust appliances including other
combustion equipment. Identify gas leaks using combustible gas sensing equipment. If a
leak is found, recommend that a certified technician repair the leak.


Reason: Accept in principle.  This section is not under Professional Development but where the commenter states it needs to be.  Numbering will be corrected before publication.

Comment #119

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


Why are you removing the barriers to become a certified Rater trainer/instructor?

Is this something like what Kansas is doing with teacher certificates?

Proposed Change:

... Training Providers shall demonstrate through completion ofcomplete the RESNET RaterTrainingProviderAccreditionApplication...shall demonstratewhat?.thefollowing documentation that their training meets the criteria established through this Standard. Training curriculum, materials, and manuals:
202.1.1 Examination materials.
202.1.2 Facilities description.
202.1.3 Organization description.
Committee Responsibilities
The Training and Education Committee considers, reviews, and approves the items:
Core-competency examination questions, categories, time limits, and passing
Subject categories that may be approved for Professional Development (PD) requirements for RESNET certified individuals.
201.2.2 Committee Chair
??????????????????????????????3.1 3.2
202.1.4 Principals and staff qualifications (detailed resumes).
202.1.5 The names of certified Rater Trainers it intends to teach classes.

... Training Providers shall demonstrate through completion of the RESNET Rater Training Provider Accredition Application and the following documentation that their training meets the criteria established through this Standard. Training curriculum, materials, and manuals:

202.1.1 Examination materials.
202.1.2 Facilities description.
202.1.3 Organization description.
Committee Responsibilities
The Training and Education Committee considers, reviews, and approves the items:
Core-competency examination questions, categories, time limits, and passing
Subject categories that may be approved for Professional Development (PD) requirements for RESNET certified individuals.
201.2.2 Committee Chair
??????????????????????????????3.1 3.2
202.1.4 Principals and staff qualifications (detailed resumes).
202.1.5 The names of certified Rater Trainers it intends to teach classes.


Reason: The proposed language cannot be adopted because the RESNET Training and Education Committee no longer exists.  The justification given in the comment does not appear to match the referenced section, which is about Provider Accreditation, not Instructor/Trainer certification.

Rater Trainer Provider accreditation will be reviewed in Chapter 1 amendment. Language will be moving to Chapter 1.

Comment #120

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 2
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: Section 200
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


This section has the capital "P" in provider and capital  "R" for rater crossed out, whereas in orther parts of the document, the P and the R are capitalized in "Rater Trainer" and "Training Provider". Also, for the word Training, it appears to have the "i" crossed out but not the lower case "t".

Proposed Change:

Ttraining Pproviders and certifying Rrater



Comment #121

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


The Combustion Appliance simulation test needs to be integrated into the Rater Simulation practical exam. Speaking as a RESNET Certified Rater Trainer, it has become very challenging to fit all needed instruction and execution of exams with the existing system of 3 separate exams. I understand that RESNET is planning to group the Combustion written exam into the National Rater Exam, whcih is a good and welcome step. However, having to complete two separate sims - one on combustion safety and the other on rater sim - will be very taxing on students to prepare for ahead of the training, as simply getting accustomed to navigating a simulation environment is a difficult task for many students -  much more difficult than the content itself. This in turn will put extra strain on Instructors and Training Providers to fee what content they can cut to still maintain hte training being completed in a streamlined fashion. It could potentially lead to an overall lower class pass rate

Proposed Change:  RESNET Combustion Appliance Test with a minimum score determined by
RESNET  RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score determined by RESNET


Reason: Written exams are currently being combined. Integrating the two Sims would be nearly impossible since they are on two different platforms and have different applications. RESNET will be creating a single testing portal to streamline the process for Providers and candidates.

Comment #122

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.2 Professional Development
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


Requiring attendance at the RESNET Conference by trainers every 2 years, without alternate recourse is too risky.

In the event that a trainer/instructor cannot attend the RESNET conference two years in a row, he/she would be decertified and unable to remedy it for at least a year.  There may be many legitimate reasons that a Certified Trainer/Instructor cannot attend, and they should have a recourse to remediation to avoid de-certification.

Proposed Change:

Restore alternative paths such as the training hours or CEUs, or some other remedial path yet undefined, in section 203.2 


Reason: New language proposed by the Working Group:

203.2  RESNET Certified Instructors Trainers shall complete a two-hour  RESNET roundtable on current information each year and also once every  three years:
• document twelve (12) hours of attendance at the RESNET conference or other conferences approved by RESNET
complete eighteen (18) hours RESNET approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET Training Providers or other events or venues approved by RESNET

Comment #123

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 4
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.1.2
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Technical


This section is unclear. It references that the candidate field assessor's 25 ratings must have met the provisoins of 904.4. That section is not specific enough, as it encompasses both on-site and file review QA. Thus, it is not clear if the 25 certified ratings need to have been reviewed for 1% QA or 10% QA.

I think having been reviewed per 904.4.1 is more specific and effective

Proposed Change:

203.1.2  As a certified Home Energy Rater, complete confirmed ratings on a minimum
of twenty-five (25) homes.  These 25 Ratings shall have met the minimum quality
assurance processes defined in Section 904.4.1.


Reason: Accept in principle.  Numbers will be fixed in final version. Both review of rating data files (903.4.1 Advisory Version) and on-site verification (903.4.2 Advisory Version) of ratings should be performed on the 25 ratings in question for candidate field assessors.

Comment #124

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205.1
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


This section is duplicated as both General Provisions, and Rater Instruction. This makes the document very confusing, as seemingly the requirements for Rater Training should be the next section after General Provisionals, followed by those sections for HESP and RFI instruction.

The Rater Instruction section should have its section renumbered.

Proposed Change:

2045.12 Training  Rater Instruction


Reason: Accept in principle.  All reference numbers will be updated prior to publication.

Comment #125

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: All
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: All sections
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


This amendment proposal does not follow proper protocol for making amendments to the RESNET Standards. Currently, Chapter 1, Section 102 contains all of the provisions for certification and recertification. The proposed amendment, however, does not contain any of the changes that this amendment proposal intends to make to Chapter 1. This makes it unclear as to what the full intent of the new amendment really is and will result in most people reviewing and commenting on this amendment without full comprehension of exactly what is being proposed. This is misleading and will result in a great deal of contention and disgruntlement down the road, which has happened several times in the past when amendments have been proposed to Chapter 2, for example the CAZ training amendment not referring to certified Raters when originally adopted. If the amendment does not contain the changes to Chapter 1, then this amendment proposal does not change that language. Therefore, all provisions of Chapter 1 stay in effect until those changes are made. I highly recommend adding the changes to the language in Chapter 1 to this amendment and resubmitting the whole amendment for public comment, in order for everyone to fully comprehend what the intent of the amendment really is, and make public comments in a more direct fashion, having all the relevant information. This is simply too big of a change to make in this manner.

Proposed Change:

Add all relevant changes to Chapter 1 that this proposed amendment will encompass and resubmit for public comment before sending the current amendment proposal for approval.



The comment was general and no specific language was proposed.

Comment #126

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 5
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 205.2
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


Still a reference to Rating Providers

Proposed Change:

Rating Quality Assurance Providers may require additional training instruction beyond theserequirements



Comment #127

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


Eliminating the in-class Energy Ratings is a significant harm to the value of the trainings.  Having end-goals such as actually performed ratings inside the class structure brings significant focus and clarity to the curriculum and to the comprehension by the student.

If required training does not include those practical outcomes, comprehension of the related items: building science and protocols, can be expected to drop off.

Proposed Change:

restore the language in paragraph

? Demonstrate competency at certain tasks mentored by a Certified Trainer by completing two training ratings. These ratings shall not contain any errors identified by RESNET approved rating software. Both ratings shall have a reasonably acceptable level of accuracy when compared to the trainer’s independent ratings of the same houses or building plans. The Trainer may choose these tasks to be performed in a hands-on environment, from house plans, or through RESNET approved computer simulations. However at least one of the two training ratings shall be a confirmed rating conducted in-person with a certified trainer on a real house. The candidate shall perform the following procedures during the confirmed training rating.


Reason: Nothing in the new language restricts trainers from completing their own field training during classes, but it won’t be required by RESNET. Field assessment is required overseen by Quality Assurance Provider.

Comment #128

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


Read comment above relating to this. The CAZ sim and the Rater sim need to be combined. Two sim exams is going to be onerous and will negatively affect training organizatoins. Also you have duplicated reference to the Rater sim.

Proposed Change:
National HERS Rater Test with a
minimum score as determined by
RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a minimum score
determined by RESNET
the RESNET Combustion Appliance Simulation Test with a
of at least 85
with a minimum score a
s determined by RESNET
the Work Scope Development
Test with a score of at least 80
and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test with a score
at least 80% on each exam
with a minimum score a
s determined by RESNET


Accept____ Accept Editorial—removing “and the RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test” from—it is a repeat from


Reject__x___--combining Sims
Reason: Written exams are currently being combined. Integrating the two Sims would be nearly impossible since they are on two different platforms and have different applications. RESNET will be creating a single testing portal to streamline the process for Providers and candidates.

Comment #129

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


Eliminating the in-class envelope leakage testing is a significant harm to the value of the trainings.  Having hands-on performance testing inside the class structure brings significant focus and clarity to the curriculum and to comprehension by the student.

If required training does not include those practical measures, comprehension of the related items: building science and protocols, can be expected to drop off.

We noticed, once required by previous RESNET standards to have all students idividually performing blower door tests, that "lightbulbs came on" and test scores improved.

Proposed Change:

restore the language in paragraph

Perform building envelope leakage testing in accordance with the airtightness testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope.


Reason: Nothing in the new language restricts trainers from completing their own field training during classes, but it won’t be required in the standard. Field assessment is required overseen by Quality Assurance Provider.

Comment #130

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


This language does not indicate that any of the ratings must be reviewed on-site. Thus, thre is the potential that someone could be certified without ever having stepped into a house with a trainer, QAD, or "field assessor".
This is a very bad idea.... mentorship in the field is absolutely critical to rater development and certification. This language is currently included in RESNET Stanards Chapter 1.

At least two of these probationary ratings must be in the field.

Proposed Change:

Add lanuage to the end.

For a minimum of two of the five probationary ratings, the Rater Candidate must be mentored on-site by a RESNET  certified Candidate Field Assessor approved by the certifying Quality Assurance Provider.


Reason: Confirmed ratings fall under QA and must be performed in the field.

Comment #131

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


Eliminating the in-class duct leakage testing is a significant harm to the value of the trainings.  Having hands-on performance testing inside the class structure brings significant focus and clarity to the curriculum and to comprehension by the student.

If required training does not include those practical measures, comprehension of the related items: building science and protocols, can be expected to drop off. 

In particular, counter-intuitive effects about supply/return relationships and duct pressure dropoffs only make sense for most students once they've induced those effects and tested the results.

We noticed, once required by previous RESNET standards to have all students idividually performing duct leakage tests, that "lightbulbs came on" and test scores improved.

Proposed Change:

restore the language in paragraph

Perform duct leakage testing in accordance with the duct testing protocols contained in Chapter 8 – Performance Testing and Work Scope and interpret results.


Reason: Nothing in the new language restricts trainers from completing their own field training during classes, but it won’t be required in the standard. Field assessment is required overseen by Quality Assurance Provider.

Comment #132

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 7
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note:
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: Technical


This language is gutting the existing professional development requirements for raters to be recertified. Every major techincal profession, including doctors, architects, engineers, councelors, etc requires that certified professionals obtain professional development. JobWerks is not professional devleopment; it is an assessment of the rater's abilities. The rater is already assessed for those abilities vis a vis QA required by RESNET and executed by providers. THus, you are eliminating professional devleopment and adding a requirement that is already being achieved through QA.

I undrstand part of RESNET's motivation is to gain usage and reenue thorugh using JobWerks. If this is the case, why not make it a provision that this must be done IN ADDITION TO professional development, not in lieu of it. This way, the end goal of assuring that Rater's field competence is maintained - liekly delivered during annual field QA, RESNET has a source of ongoing revneue through JobWerks, but Raters also are being encouraged to get better and sharpen the saw through professional devleopment.

Furthermore, as a RESNET Accredited Training Provider, i count on being able to deliver trainings that count for RESNET PDHs. Removing this as a source of revenue for our company will disincentivize us to maintain our Traiing Provider accreditation, and will harm our businesss.

You must maintain PDHs as a requirement for Professional Development. I feel like i am offering a fair compromise that should meet everyone's needs and expectations.

Proposed Change:

205.1 To renew certification Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Raters, shall complete at le ast one of the following
requirements every three years:
Pass the national RESNET test appropriate to their certification.

Document 18 hours of attendance at RESNET conferences, or RESNET
approved Professional Development courses delivered by accredited RESNET
Training Providers, or RESNET sessions at Affordable Comfort Institute conferences,
EEBA conferences, or other events and venues as approved by RESNET. PD
completed by RESNET certified individuals prior to achieving a higher certification will be applied toward the PD requirements of their new certification; AND Pass the RESNET JobWerks HERS Rater Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period


Reason: New language from Work Group:
205.1 RESNET certified Home Energy Survey Professionals, Rating Field Inspectors, and HERS Raters must renew their certification every three years.
        205.1.1 Home Energy Survey Professionals. Pass the national RESNET Home Energy Survey Test test        appropriate to their certification once in a three year period.
        205.1.2 Rating Field Inspectors. Pass the RESNET JobWerks RFI Assessment overseen by a RESNET certified Candidate Field Assessor once in a three year period.
       205.1.3 Certified Home Energy Raters RESNET certified Home Energy Raters:
• attend a RESNET Approved Conference once every 3 years; OR have 18 hours of RESNET approved professional development from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider
• successfully complete one JobWerks assessment every 3 years.

Comment #133

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 3, 5, 6
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 203.1, 205.2.1 (204?), 204.3
Comment Intent: Not an Objection
Comment Type: Editorial


A number of objections have been raised about using the language "with a minimum score as determined by RESNET" for the several mentioned tests.

I don't have any objection to keeping the actual passing score out of the standard, but in order to avoid the appearance of arbitrariness when assigning a passing grade, I propose that each of those cases the standard states "with a minimum score as determined by and published by RESNET"

Perhaps "published by" is not the right phrase, but we can say that it is a documented and discoverable score, whatever it is.

Proposed Change:

"with a minimum score as determined by and published by RESNET"

(wherever applicable)


Reason: RESNET’s psychometrician has recommended removing scores from the standard. Passing scores will be clearly published.

Comment #134

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 9709881298
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


I've had a very difficult time following this amendment because of incomplete sentences, missing sections, the use of the ellipse, poor numbering, and typos throughout. The document in its current form is incomplete and I believe requires more review and a rewrite by SDC 200. In addition, as it stands today, I don't believe that this revision meets the justification to ensure the consistency of the HERS index.


Reason: The comment was general and no specific replacement language was proposed.

Comment #135

Amendment: Proposed Amendment to RESNET Instruction, Assessment and Certification Standards
Page Number: 9709881298
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


I've had a very difficult time following this amendment because of incomplete sentences, missing sections, the use of the ellipse, poor numbering, and typos throughout. The document in its current form is incomplete and I believe requires more review and a rewrite by SDC 200. In addition, as it stands today, I don't believe that this revision meets the justification to ensure the consistency of the HERS index.


Reason: The comment was general and no specific replacement language was proposed.

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