Proposed MINHERS Addendum 62f, Provider Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Procedures, Draft PDS-01

Comment #1

Amendment: Proposed MINHERS Addendum 62f, Provider Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Procedures, Draft PDS-01
Page Number: 8
Paragraph / Figure / Table / Note: 908.1
Comment Intent: Objection
Comment Type: General


Contesting not having an active Rater or Provider as part of the Committee. Suggestion of amending this section of the standard to allow a nominated Chairperson, as a non-voting member of the committee, be an active rater or provider on the basis of this Chairperson having ability to provide commentary and technical support on cases that relate to building ratings and modelling practices brought before the committee and keeping the information they are providing current and up to date with current processes and procedures. We also suggest that this exception is made with one additional provision, should a conflict of interest be identified between the elected chairperson and an active case brought before the committee, an acting alternate chairperson can be appointed, by the RESNET Board, on an as needed basis.

Proposed Change:

The Committee, except for the Chairperson, shall be inactive in the HERS Industry. “Inactive” shall mean a non-voting committee member who has not provided services as an accredited Rater or Provider since at least January 1 of the calendar year preceding their nomination to the Committee. Any voting Committee member who resumes providing services as an accredited Rater or Provider must resign from the Ethics and Appeals Committee. Should a conflict of interest be identified with an active member of the HERS industry serving as Chairperson on a specific case brought before the Committee, the RESNET Board shall appoint an acting alternate chairperson for the duration of that case resolution.

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